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'AITA for going to work while my wife was having her appendix out?' Wife accuses husband of abandoning her, internet reacts

‘I engaged in malicious compliance mode, and it cost him’: New boss costs company $6,000 following employees' malicious compliance, boss gets demoted

‘I engaged in malicious compliance mode, and it cost him’: New boss costs company $6,000 following employees' malicious compliance, boss gets demoted

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'I was right': Worker gets back at boss that sent them home for wearing shorts according to a company policy that didn't exist

'AITA for getting a tattoo I knew my husband wouldn't like?': Couple disagrees about woman's colorful 'memorial tattoo,' ignites internet debate

'AITA for getting a tattoo I knew my husband wouldn't like?': Couple disagrees about woman's colorful 'memorial tattoo,' ignites internet debate

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

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'My boss suddenly changed the PTO policy': Employer suddenly changes PTO policy and gaslights worker to keep them taking time off

‘Decided to come back and beg for your job back?’: Arrogant boss lashes out at coworker, entire department quits and gets him fired

‘Decided to come back and beg for your job back?’: Arrogant boss lashes out at coworker, entire department quits and gets him fired

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‘I had a very misogynistic boss’: 'Good 'Ol Boy' manager finally gets busted for taking credit of female employee's work thanks to the IT department

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Top 20 Provocative Shower Thoughts of the Week That'll Make You Smarter

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

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20+ Bad Breakup Memes and Fails for Those Who Have Been Disastrously Dumped

'Got berated by a Karen for the first time': Entitled diner freaks out over butter, calls server evil for ruining her birthday

'Got berated by a Karen for the first time': Entitled diner freaks out over butter, calls server evil for ruining her birthday

Try to steal my legally rented parking spot? Enjoy being unemployed.

'It bit him in his career': Dude steals driver's paid for parking spot, driver gets epic revenge and gets him fired

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'Imma get fired LOL [worth it]' : Shady management tries to pull a fast one, law student employee hits them with legal knowledge that epically shuts it down

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'I WILL do your project': Worst project partner ever tries to get student to do the whole thing, she does but ensures he fails

'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers

'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers