'She had 22 cats': 20 first dates that made people say 'I'm out of here'

'She had 22 cats': 20 times people walked out during the first date

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'Get me what I am entitled to or I will do it myself': Law school stops representing tenant who demands 2 free months of rent, flips out on 'totally useless' volunteer legal rep

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get him to come in, threatens termination

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get her husband to come in, threatens termination

'Is it ok if I fire you?': Boss fires employee for being late, then surprises them with offer

'Is it ok if I fire you?': Boss fires employee for being late, then surprises them with offer

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'I said, "isn't it the cutest?"... He turned red': Suburban woman reclaims her property line with a garden gnome, shutting down her grouchy, nosy neighbors with a silly statue

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

'Landlord [is] trying to scam me out of my security deposit': Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family wants landscapers to charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family demands landscapers charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'The worst customer service we've experienced': AirBNB stiffs customer when host double books them and cancels their reservation AFTER check-in

'The worst customer service we've experienced': AirBNB stiffs customer when host double books them and cancels their reservation AFTER check-in

revenge payback petty-revenge petty reddit thread neighbor neighbors neighborhood tenant apartment condo upstairs

'I hope he enjoys [my] new 2AM workout': Upstairs tenant gets payback on the unit below by weaponizing her nightshift after a flurry of fallacious complaints to HOA

'No, you can't use your vacation time': Worker takes 7,200 hours of vacation time after job insists he work on holidays for decades

'No, you can't use your vacation time': Worker takes 7,200 hours of vacation time after job insists he work on holidays for decades

'I just wanted to share this evidence that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer': Small factory worker tries to enlighten her wealthy upper management

'I just wanted to share this evidence that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer': Small factory worker tries to enlighten her wealthy upper management

‘[The company] ended up getting less money for providing better services’: Tech savvy-millennial outsmarts internet salesperson trying to upsell her mom, gets her a 30% cheaper deal

‘[The company] ended up getting less money for providing better services’: Tech savvy-millennial outsmarts internet salesperson trying to upsell her mom, gets her a 30% cheaper deal

'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

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'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence