'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

Employees working in sales commissions will tell you that the environment is pretty intense, and with good reason; you often come across workers who will do anything to get ahead. Such as this employee, who noticed that a relatively new coworker of hers was about to close a massive sale, and swooped right in to grab the customer for herself. The coworker in question, OP, caught her red-handed, and immediately told her as nicely as he could, to back off. She assured him, as snakes often do, that…
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funny tinder tinder top-tinder-moments relationships top 10 dating dating fails funny dating memes dating apps online dating - 20079877

10+ Top Tinder Moments of the Week From the Wild World of Dating (April 11, 2023)

Welcome to this week's edition of the hottest trending takes from online dating… It's a wild world out there, and entering the arena of online dating can be especially treacherous. This week, there is a whole slew of desperate individuals looking to find a match amidst the sheer chaos of unsuitable candidates. A personal favorite of mine this week is our “incredibly average” Joe in item #3. There's no point in trying for a long-term relationship if you can't be honest with your partner and your…
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'Good riddance to [an] insecure drama queen': Wedding guest refuses to wear green dress because it's not "flattering," gets kicked out by the bride

'Good riddance to [an] insecure drama queen': Wedding guest refuses to wear green dress because it's not "flattering," gets kicked out by the bride

Although this person's username is u/bridezillaxoxo, she definitely wasn't a bridezilla at her wedding — but one of her friends certainly made a fool of herself. Across different countries and cultures, one thing remains the same for basically every wedding: the bride and groom are the center of attention. Despite any shenanigans that happen in the lead-up to the big day, on the actual wedding day, the couple should get to enjoy the festivities. Somehow, though, drama always seems to sneak into…
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‘You basically still are a baby’: 20+ cringe texts from your significant other after telling them you want a baby

‘You basically still are a baby’: 20+ cringe texts from your significant other after telling them you want a baby

Ever tried spooking your significant other this way? We highly recommend it TBH because these responses are wildly entertaining, to say the least. You know, that kind of entertaining where there’s clearly some drama and/or problems within the relationship, but it’s nothing but fun for you to witness because you’re not in the relationship yourself and you don’t know either of the people in the relationship either. You’re just there for the ride. If you’re just looking to get a humorous and genui…
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'Found £16k in a suitcase in of my new home': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (April 11, 2023)

'Found £16k in a suitcase in my new home': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (April 11, 2023)

These secrets could never be told in real life, so people snuck to the internet to gain some anonymity for some utterly unhinged confessions . Don't hold in your guilt about that random thing you're stressing over. Instead, you can tell it to @fesshole, a Twitter account solely dedicated to intercepting people's secrets . They then post them up anonymously, letting folks get that weight off their chest without anyone ever connecting their confession back to them. We've collected a great batch f…
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30 Customer Service Fails For Servers and Retail Workers Everywhere

30 Customer Service Fails For Servers and Retail Workers Everywhere

It’s quite possible that servers and retail workers have dealt with more unhinged behavior than just about anyone else on the planet. Sure, you might say, “But what about therapists? Don’t they deal with a wide range of behavior from their clients?” Certainly, but in comparison with these brave souls? Nope! We’re pretty sure that even therapists and psychiatrists have nothing on folks in the retail and service industries. Just think about it for a moment: all the entitled Karens, all the annoyi…
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boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20042245

'My software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes': Boss steals worker's program and takes credit for it, reprimands worker for undesired features

Finance is probably one of the least “metal” things out there. In fact, finance workers are probably a direct antithesis of rock and roll singers.
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'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (April 11, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (April 11, 2023)

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easter work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 20080133

'Why did you not coming to work??': Manager reprimands worker for taking Easter off after the management team fails to communicate

You can always judge the strength of someone's character by their willingness to accept, acknowledge, and correct their own mistakes. Similarly, a manager blaming their worker for organizational failure above the worker's pay grade says much about their leadership. It's completely fair for a worker to expect that everything is taken care of when they have followed the instructed process. Reprimanding that worker—via poorly structured text messages—for the ensuing lack of communication between t…
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'TIFU by lying to my wife for 13 years': Husband's little white lie to his wife about candy totally backfires

'TIFU by lying to my wife for 13 years': Husband's little white lie to his wife about candy totally backfires

This is one of those times that a little lie snowballed into a much bigger lie! To keep the peace in a romantic relationship , sometimes you need to fudge the truth. Not all the time, only for certain things, and it's best if you can avoid lying about anything big. However, once you're married for 13 years (!) like this guy was, even a small fib can quickly spiral out of control. After reading the OP's story below, check out a few comments, where people shared their own funny stories of lies th…
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'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

'The charge was... malicious compliance': Tyrannical boss demands employee 'print out the internet', employee jams boss's office with 6 feet stack of paper

This may be one of the best malicious compliance stories we've read to date, and the reason for that is the novelty, hilarity, and downright relatability of the details. A tyrannical boss had taken her reign over a government department where she was less than kind to her employees, OP included. At the time, OP was a technical writer and had been slowly transferring an old employee handbook into a modern and actually useful doc (ex: one page with policies and links to useful websites, like Offi…
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‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

You know you must be particularly bad at your job when your Daddy is best buds with the CEO and you still can’t help but get fired. That’s what happened to this Redditor’s coworker, who was hired with next to no experience yet found a way to boss literally everyone around her and take credit for their work. One day, OP wrote up a report and handed it to her, only to watch her immediately head directly into the CEO’s office and give it to him, all while acting like it was her report. Well, you c…
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relationship advice amitheahole aita relationship drama relationship-drama relationships in a relationship story ahole roasted relationship-stories entitled entitled people - 20040197

'What kind of monster...': Internet roasts entitled girlfriend for eating all the toppings off her partner's pizza

Few acts are as unforgivably unhinged as ruining an entire pizza. Yet, this girlfriend saw nothing wrong with scalping a whole pie, leaving nothing but the naked sauce and dough for everyone else to consume miserably. The topic of pizza toppings is hotly debated, with staunch defenders of questionable toppings like pineapple going head to head with those who deride the topping and all who enjoy it. We can all agree on one thing: Pizza is amazing. What isn't to love about saucy dough coated in c…
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'I'm sorry you doubted me': Employee's job offer gets revoked after they boldly lie to company during onboarding

'I'm sorry you doubted me': Employee's job offer gets revoked after they boldly lie to company during onboarding

It's never been harder to lie to your employer, thanks to the power of modern tech. But this employee found that out way too late, because they clearly didn't think through the consequences of lying about a car accident . As some folks in the comments reflected, if you needed to be late to work or lie to your boss in the past, it wasn't that difficult. This person, though, didn't count on being fact-checked by a website that tells you where a photo can be found online. When the employee's photo…
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FAILS workplace-stories work stories work Memes funny tweets job interview interview funny - 20036101

'We're looking for someone age 22-26 with 30 years of experience': 20+ Memeable Interview Fails

Is there anything more humbling and potentially humiliating than a job interview?
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Nailed it: 20 Extra eccentric DIY projects infused with chaos and creativity

Nailed it: 20 Extra eccentric DIY projects infused with chaos and creativity

Major props to these people who tried to make creative DIY projects and got some interesting results, to say the least.
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