Bosses of Reddit, what's the weirdest reason why you had to fire an employee?

'Fired for stealing jelly beans': 20+ Super strange reasons people got immediately fired from their jobs

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'I will need a refund': Newly divorced woman tries to get money back from wedding photographer

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'I got over $5,000 and 6 months pay for not doing any work': Company tries to excuse unpaid wages, employee Uno Reverses them and hits them with a Draw 5k

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'You're probably getting paid less than the people hired after you': Experienced programmer getting paid less than fresh new hire sparks online discussion over pay

Don't use your garbage can? Okay!

'You're a trashy person': Neighbor refuses to let teenager throw out garbage, sparking some trashy retaliation

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

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'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment

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'My boss decided to chow down on my meal': Employee calls boss witch, boss gets petty revenge by eating his lunch

Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees Teaming Up For a Game of Malicious Compliance (April 12, 2023)

Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees Teaming Up For a Game of Malicious Compliance (April 12, 2023)

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'The sweater I bought cannot be maintained': 40+ Fresh Memes and Tweets For Your Viewing Pleasure (April 13th 2022)

AITA for not giving my fiancés daughter money when I won the lottery?

'[She] thought this meant "we" won the money': Lotto winner's family insists on sharing her $50,000 prize, while the winner wants it all for her baby

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'Petty revenge on my own truant son': Mom stages epic prank to force son to stop skipping school

Write our reports using the language we speak at home? You got it boss

'Write our reports using the language we speak at home? You got it boss': ESL teacher maliciously complies with boss's writing requirements

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'Send us our $1,000 back or I'm going to have a sleepover with your parents': Airbnb ‘Super Host’ scam massively blows up in scammer's face after irate guest finds all his personal information online

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'I walked out': Mother keeps trying to set her kid up on dates against their will, cue dating fail

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'What is the most BS fee or fine that you've ever received?': Homeowners come together to discredit HOAs