dog-walkers karens pet-sitters employees karen-clientele dog-trainers karens in the wild dog-sitters rover rover-app - 20134917

'The audacity of some people is just insane': Entitled Karens flood the clientele of pet sitters and dog walkers, employees share their nightmarish stories

There are Karens no matter where you decide to work, but sometimes they flock to establishments more than others. For example, customer service gets the pleasure of constantly dealing with Karen tantrums. Also, jobs like pet sitting and dog walking surprisingly are filled to the brim with Karen customers. Apparently, according to pet sitters and dog walkers, the app Rover truly brings all the Karens into one place when looking for clientele. Many of these types of employees have flocked to Redd…
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viral videos workplace-story quitting-video i quit resigning toxic-boss worklife working-mom resigning-from-work quitting - 20125701

'I tried to quit my job today and my boss told me no': Woman gives resignation and toxic boss blatantly ignores it, attempts lackluster counter-offer last minute but it's too late

Workplace culture might be changing with more woke millennials taking on managerial positions, but there are still completely toxic environments that make you want to quit immediately. For example, when you get a toxic boss who acts like a child and pretends you didn't just hand in your resignation later… That is exactly what happened recently to one woman who posted about her experience on TikTok . She said she handed her boss her resignation letter and he took one look at it and simply said,…
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'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

Dealing with noisy neighbors is the worst. There's always a risk of starting a superiority contest on who is more passive aggressive, who's louder, and who's more willing to lose sleep over a petty neighborhood battle. One man learned his lesson the hard way– After years of harassing his neighbor next door with booming music and surround sound movies at all hours of the night, she got payback.
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20+ People who are so wrong, yet so confident about how correct they actually are

20+ People who are so wrong, yet so confident about how incorrect they actually are

People on the internet have strong opinions ! And they also aren't afraid to double down, even when they're completely wrong about the topic at hand. There's a place for everyone on the internet — no matter what your interests are, you'll find others who are likeminded. However, that also leads to people getting stuck in feedback loops, or just being around people who are so closely aligned with their beliefs that they'll never admit when they're wrong . Then, when others outside of their circl…
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landlord neighbors malicious compliance temperature reddit thread Reddit roommates entitled people - 20099589

'I know this is petty': Roommates share thermostat with neighbors, neighbors keep setting it to wild temperatures, cue revenge

I can't imagine having to share a thermostat with crazy neighbors.
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A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'

This IT worker was tired of being insulted for no reason at all.
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boyfriend aita FAIL driving girlfriend reddit thread Reddit security camera - 20101381

'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

This guy has to know deep down that he's in the wrong here.
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'Welcome to LinkedIn Lunatics': Top 20 Tone Deaf Tyrants

'Welcome to LinkedIn Lunatics': Top 20 Tone Deaf Tyrants

Cringe-fest alert
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customer service entitled customer server servers retail customers talesfromyourserver entitled tales from your server entitled people service industry - 20097541

'We closed [three] hours ago': Server lets couple on first date stay late, learns the hard way that they're woefully entitlted

Every retail or service person has learned the hard way why you don't make exceptions for customers and guests. It's always the customer you think is level-headed, sane, and “gets it” who ends up being a woefully entitled complainer, review bomber, and exceptionalist. These people will go feral on you and make your life a verifiable living hell for a few weeks until they've done the damage they're seeking and disappear into the void of their miserable existence to ruin someone else's day. The c…
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We have an intern named James. God blessed James with an incredible amount of confidence

'James failed to realize that, even on Casual Friday, American flag tank tops still weren't appropriate office attire': Employee spills legendary intern's office antics

Interns come and go, but one guy, James, made an impression on the entire office with his high jinks.
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'I Don't Care': Top Unpopular Opinions for The Crowd With A Spicy, Sturdy Sense Of Self

'I Don't Care': Top Unpopular Opinions for The Crowd With A Spicy, Sturdy Sense Of Self

Enter at your own risk
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pro revenge workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20109061

'He ignored my warning': Boss overrules financial viability worker's warning, costs company $8 million

Some executives are all about sales, insisting that profits will increase exponentially if they sign on more and more clients. They offer the greased-up salespeople absurd bonuses for signing new clients, at whatever the cost, without bothering to make sure that those contracts are actually going to be serviceable at those rates—or profitable in the long term. And, let me tell you, you don't know pain until you've worked at the servicing end of a company that has made this mistake, impossibly t…
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karens neighbors karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20087301

'The kids confessed to throwing the trash': Neighborhood kids enact trashy revenge on local Karen

Rule number one of living in any neighborhood: don't become the enemy of all the town children!
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the-U-S southern-jokes funny memes south carolina american jokes waffle house howdy Memes austin texas america meowdy yeehaw texas the south funny - 20121861

20 YeeHaw-est Memes for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh This Weekend

Well smack my grits and call me gravy, the Whattaburger survived another tornado!
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karens entitled parents choosing beggars karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20109829

'You'll get paid in garlic': 10+ Top Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

This world is jam-packed with all sorts of wonderful people: people who are empathetic and honest, generous and fair, responsible and humble. Unfortunately, the yin to that yang comes in the form of an onslaught of entitled, cruel and selfish people who want everything for nothing and everything for themselves. They care not about anyone or their negative impact on the society that they benefit from—like a leech that's had more than its fill, growing fat unnoticed on a swimmer's leg. This is a…
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Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'I poured water on his windshield': Man freezes out his neighbor after snow shoveling snafu

These neighbors aren't going to be on friendly terms after this guy's ice cold revenge! “It was a cold winter day,” writes u/topathemornin. They told this excellent tale of very petty revenge, and as they claim, there was about 8 inches of snow outside, with temperatures dipping into the negatives. The OP began shoveling out their two cars. They dug out their own SUV, and then also shoveled a second place for their wife's Prius. The trouble started after the OP and their wife made a trip in the…
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