FAIL Nation


Nuclear Engineers Need This Kind of Assistance

sign duh genius fail nation g rated - 8275286272
Via lysinee

McDonald's is Bringing Back the McRib in the UK, but Also Gross Anti-Smoking Ads. That Should End Well.

sign gross food fail nation - 8436625664
Via thomazc

It's Not a Good Sign When You Don't Even Use Your Own Products

door sign FAIL - 8973946624
See all captions Created by cataff

Forever a Road FAIL

forever alone sign road irony - 6770354688

Sotp in the Name of Loev

sign spelling funny - 7763979776


illiterate sign - 6277015296
Created by G-Unit1111

How To Identify Your Neighborhood Pedo Bar

How To Identify Your Neighborhood Pedo Bar
Via CourageNone

This Might be the Most Unfortunate Real Estate Name

sign real estate name - 7102284800
Via Reddit

Slimer Ruins the Stairs For Everybody, AGAIN

sign school ghosts - 7059387392
Via Reddit

Baby, Baby, Baby File a Suuuuiiiit!

sign funny justin bieber - 7722827008

When Life Gives You Lemons, Pretend They're Apples to Oranges... Wait...

sign whoops lemons fruit - 8408644352
Via Bits and Pieces

Getting Some Groceries FAIL

accidental sexy lady bits meat name sign - 6594935296

Keep Your Grabby Hands on Your Bag

sign engrish sexy times funny - 7802588160

Billboard Crash FAIL

sign billboard crash - 6897645312

Google Translate FAIL

sign engrish translation - 6748970496
Created by VampElectro ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Your Prescription Has Never Been so TERRIFYING

sign whoops accident funny fail nation g rated - 7572856832
Via Sofa Pizza
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