
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Shameless Social Media Drama is a Wild Ride

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Marriage & Cheating in Vegas aren't New, But This Guy Kicked it Up a Notch by Adding Sex in a Ferris Wheel

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Jimmy Kimmel Goes Around Hollywood Boulevard to Ask Couples How Many Times a Month They Have Sex

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Your Artsy Wedding Photos Probably Shouldn't Be of the Bride Wrecking Herself

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16 Dirty Times Tinder Lived Up To Its Terribly Senseless And Immature Reputation

people share the biggest red flags they ignored in relationships | thumbnail Text - obj @objsucks 000 what's the biggest red flag you ever ignored? i'll start. i dated a guy who drank vodka milks. not white russians. vodka with ice and whole milk. that's on me. 11:42 PM Dec 27, 2020 Twitter for iPhone 12.5K Retweets 13.5K Quote Tweets 326.4K Likes, Thank Dog! M @Stephanie_KJ 000 Replying to @objsucks I dated a guy who used to share a single chocolate with his mother in the evening after su

Women Reveal The Biggest Red Flags They Ignored In Relationships

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Tasted Like a Mini Gluten Free Cheese Sandwhich

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Get Single Fast With These Easy Pranks!

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17 Flirtatious and Absurd Moments From The Wacky World of Tinder

Girlfriend spends little time on boyfriend's gift, so boyfriend gets sad. | AITA being angry about gift my gf gave Not hole So some months ago my girlfriend and had our 1 year anniversary, and course exchanged gift. She hinted she would have loved ring, nothing too crazy, and got her ring addition big frame with 12 picture one picture every month been together (yes know may sound lame lol sort minimalist and don't really have anything need so she asked if there something l'd like said whatever

Girlfriend Spends Minimal Effort On Boyfriend's Gift, Boyfriend Gets Sad

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A Friendly Valentine's Day Reminder From... Wait, What?


This Woman Couldn't Get a Date on Tinder, Even When She Communicated Only in Kanye Quotes

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Adequately Compensated FAIL

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This Guy's Text Messages Read Like He Was Enrolled in a Donald Trump-Style Class of How To Text Women

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Combining Uber and Tinder Makes Driving More Dangerous and Dating Creepier!

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Celebrities Are Just Like Us, They Laugh at Other People's Embarrassing Texts Too