
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

An entitled bridezilla ends up cancelling her wedding and keeping $30K gifts for herself | Bride Hi invitées wedding! After much reflection and tear filled conversation with our closest family members have decided cancel our upcoming winter wedding will further notify this group are better place reschedule thank each and every one generous early donations our money fund. Can believe have raised over $30,000 Unbelievable! Don't worry money donated will not be spent vain but rather used towards

Bridezilla Cancels Wedding, Keeps $30K Of Gifts For Herself

Karen demands that a perfect stranger work a shift for a store they don't work for. | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor 5h Join 3 Karen demands work shift store don't work XL Few weeks ago woken by phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding work weekend don't even work them or retail matter. This is all went down:

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

A collection of the pettiest reasons that people ever held grudges. | SierraMikeHotel 19h My wife is still angry with over dream she had years ago which cheated on her with faceless woman. Seriously Reply 42

Pettiest Reasons People Held Grudges

the dank drop, funniest dank memes of the week | 5 y/o kid If air is so important human beings, why don't catch packet and sell people Lays: Don't mind if do | teacher crying about her divorce and boys crying along with her so don't have take test North Korea

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (10-10 To 10-16)

A power tripping assistant manager gets put in her place | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/fredzred 176d 1 "Clean store TOP BOTTOM. Don't leave until do yes boss L This happened worked retail around 2005 15 working at very small grocery store and although small store were always busy, as near popular beach and along highway rest area night before, l'd worked 12am until 6am packing shelves (there huge delivery coming had be stocked next day offered double time pay shift so jumped at chance work

Power Tripping Assistant Manager Gets Put In Check

funny fail story man scares his wife into labor

The Obvious Reason Expecting Parents Shouldn't Prank Each Other

Gamer accidentally bottlenecks his PC for three years | r/tifu u/theRAMlord TIFU by accidentally severely bottlenecking my PC over 3 years. M TL;DR at bottom waffled built my first ever PC around 3.5 years ago s pretty budget but thought 500 spending on parts would be pretty decent. So follow couple youtube tutorials build and everything worked fine first try my absolute surprise. Over course 3 years, lI've never had one problem with other than pretty slow and could only run games on low

Gamer Accidentally Severely Bottlenecks PC For Years

People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

Man won't pay for fireplace, so he ends up with a house full of smoke | r/ProRevenge Join u/Beeker93 Didn't pay fireplace. Ended up with house full smoke. Edit meant wood stove, not fire place didn't know there difference until someone pointed this out

Man Doesn't Pay For Fireplace, Ends Up With House Full Of Smoke

Some sleazy brokers run their firm like a candy store, so the IT guy they fire takes revenge | r/ProRevenge Join u/Floridatrashburner Lie, Cheat, Layoff and Gamble with our wages, enjoy no department. Lurker finally coming out share. Years back worked as Director small brokerage firm. These types places try run lean so also ONLY personnel took job, but bit under-qualified if am being truthful reason they gave because young, and they thought they could underpay They were right 10k more than

IT Guy Takes Revenge On Sleazy Brokers

A road rager picks on a motorcycle driver, driver takes petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge Join u/Fluffy-Designer Small motorbike vs small waves pinky finger should preface this by saying raised by narcissist and extremely passive-aggressive as result. Years ago bought my first motorbike tiny 125CC bike with my 82kg body weight, could barely do 90km/h on flat road and would lose speed going up hills despite revving as hard as could my first motorbike and loved her with my whole heart.

Road Rager Picks On Motorcycle, Rider Gets Revenge

Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

Neighbor antagonizes guy to no end, and ends up getting a taste of his own medicine | r/pettyrevenge u/TheCrimsonnerGinge Neighbor antagonized all year, so quite literally) gave him taste his own medicine college had neighbor (Who will henceforth be Benny, like asshat New Vegas And this neighbor, he not considerate neighbor example, he watched TikTok at 3am, connected his Bluetooth speaker, which he so politely pointed directly at wall improve sound quality He piled his

Neighbor Antagonizes Guy, Gets Taste Of His Own Medicine

A petty revenge about a coworker snitching on an employee for being late | r/pettyrevenge u/fixerofthings 2y Join say only called boss out concern my well being? Well being called him had follow suit few weeks ago, my coworker (CW negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight. He also didn't send emails some our remote teams regarding downed equipment. So did him solid (or so thought) and sent him and only him an email telling him he did wrong very next night, he did

Coworker Snitches On Employee For Being Late, Petty Revenge Ensues