
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

People describe the stupidest things that they had to explain to clueless individuals | ashp10 7h although bendy, aluminum is indeed metal and CANNOT go into microwave

Most Obvious Things That Had To Be Explained To People

shower thoughts, funny comments, deep thoughts, reddit, top comments, interesting, funny | u/AJTangney main reason why music older generations seems better is because garbage is forgotten about | u/mustystache SPOILER Sometimes "Spoiler Alerts" are spoilers.

24 Shower Thoughts For Deep Thinkers

funny reddit roasts

13 Roasts That Left Their Victims In Demoralized Ruins

Employee gets fired, and then makes company lose around $100K |r/ProRevenge u/hoodlvm fired and made company lose over £100k So l used work at family run builders merchants and trade sales advisor fired bringing up health and safety concerns an email sent manager and fact apparently "unhappy my role did nothing wrong but they still sacked Now worked there had clients had built good relationships with and even become friends with some them. They would get beers and whiskey at

Employee Gets Fired, Makes Company Lose Over $100K

A crazy boss tries to overwork an employee, doesn't compensate them, and ends up regretting it | r/MaliciousCompliance u/WatanabeSama 1d Join Crazy boss tries make work more than anyone, but doesn't want pay accordingly L First, some info and backstory: Minimum wage Brazil R$954,00/month 180,00/month nowadays Back May 2017 started working companny as 2D designer Intern. 2 months later started working hourly, but with some benefits started making R$ 1500,00/month 280,00/month).

Crazy Boss Tries To Overwork Employee, Doesn't Pay Accordingly, Regrets It

Girl tries to scam tenant out of rent money, and ends up paying thousands | r/ProRevenge u/Infinite_Number 1d Join 1 1 1 1 Try scam out rent money? Have fun paying back six times amount, losing all friends, and getting exposed lies Obligatory "not sure if this qualifies as pro but is definitely step above petty ultimate result did give immense satisfaction see this girl try scam fail terribly, and have face financial, social, and legal consequences. tl;dr at end, since this is long one. This

Girl Tries To Blackmail Tenant, Ends Up Paying Thousands

The most hypocritical behavior that people ever witnessed. | StandCroissant 2d 1 Award My girlfriend criticises always being on my phone yet is seemingly unaware much she is on hers.

Most Hypocritical Behavior People Witnessed

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Redditor's Russian Wife Can't Describe a Tape Measure, Accidentally Creates a Dictionary of New Terms for Things

Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Entitled coworker gets humbled and learns lesson on Christmas Day. | r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal 2y Join Merry Christmas quit. Quite few years ago moved into house with few my best friends. One my friends got job with her at local gas station within walking distance our house and thought pretty set with my new arrangement living with my best friends, able walk work and job should have been one easiest positions ever held is, until met my coworker Jane worked nights didn't get too many customers

Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

A professor turns into a complete nightmare so the dean intervenes, and saves the day | r/ProRevenge u/handcraftedcandy 10h Join Last minute professor turns into nightmare make sure she never has job there again. About 10 years ago attending local community College my Associates Fine Arts retrospect dumb do so after economy had tanked 2008 recession but digress my second year during first semester one class had take advance and be on track graduate on time Drawing II this class suppose learn

Professor Turns Into Total Nightmare, Dean Saves The Day

Memes in defense of johnny depp following abuse allegations of amber heard and warner brothers resignation fantastic beasts | Yeah support amber heard: S hate U P P R T lot | SOME PEOPLE THINK OTHER PEOPLE THINK JOE BIDEN WON ELECTION DONALD TRUMP WON ELECTION BUT ALL THINK JOHNNY DESERVES JUSTICE

Redditors Are Cranking Out Johnny Depp Memes In Defense Of His Reputation

A woman calls out some café owners for shady business practices.

Woman Calls Out Café Owners For Shady Practices

Bridezilla fires her bridesmaids and then asks people if she was in the wrong for her behavior. | Wedding Planning Club Sooooo, maid honor fired been messaging our group chat helping with planning some stuff and wedding shower etc etc and they will read and never reply which is SUPER frustrating. This is entire exchange (COVID cancelled out r previous wedding date and she able return dress which cost less than $30 first place) She's calling childish and brat" but yet she's one seeking

Bridezilla Fires Maid Of Honor, Asks If She's A Bridezilla

Package thief steals gifts intended for other people, gets glittered, that results in their eviction | r/pettyrevenge u/brigittefires Steal my stuff? Get glittered lived an apartment building. As member local free gifting community put gifts out on regular basis people pick up had massive front porch building had plenty space put an entire living room set by front corner and still move furniture /out comfortably. Nothing resembling tight squeeze made appointments with people pick up

Package Thief Steals Gifts, Gets Glittered, Then Gets Evicted

A funny petty revenge story about how sapphires aren't a Karen's best friend | r/pettyrevenge u/rosexknight Sapphires aren't Karen's best friend. Not my story but my cousin's. Let's call him Dave. So Dave (34M dating Karen really long time (like 4 years) and earlier this year he finally proposed. Now, Karen bit gold digger and very entitled person. She bit white trailer trash but fancied herself rich lady. She VERY vocal all other women family about she wanted traditional diamond ring

Petty Revenge Tale: Sapphires Enrage Karen