
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

People describe the plot holes that are so big you could drive trucks through them | Trevor-On-Reddit 3d 6 Awards Every Christmas movie where no one believes Santa but then turns out Santa does exist. Like, who did they think putting presents under Christmas tree? If Santa is real then wasn't them.

Plot Holes Big Enough To Drive Trucks Through

People describe the small things that enrage them to no end | ttcmzx 14h 2 Awards People blocking grocery aisles with zero spatial awareness Reply 3.0k

Small Things That Push People's Rage Through The Roof

Funny screenshots from the subreddit /r/QuitYourBullshit | yearbook photo of a girl and photo of same girl as an adult: careful who call ugly middle school zz No one called u ugly went same school just post ur pic and go. tweet by LilNasX nobody bullied big boy. AJC not angry Lil Nas X addresses those who bullied him coming out

Dimwitted People That Lied And Got Called Out For It

A collection of painfully obnoxious humble brags.

Obnoxious Humble Brags From Righteous Folks

Guy tricks mall thieves with deceptive holiday gift | r/ProRevenge u/Hypetents Christmas gift Grandpa know guy has done this every year more than decade started some dick broke into cab his truck and stole Christmas gifts he had bought at Mall. If remember correctly, he had make two trips and some jerk saw him go back into store and busted his window long time ago am not positive details original event.

Man Baits Mall Thieves With Tricky Christmas Gift

shower thoughts that make more sense than they should

This Week's Fresh And Steamy Showers Thoughts To Contemplate (Top 17)

People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories| Thumbnail text - Eastern_Ad626 17 days ago i was seeing this guy from tinder and he asked me to come pregame at his place for our third or fourth date. i was so excited. finally got there and this man had a whole ass ring light and tripod set up for us to film tik toks. i nearly passed out Reply Share

People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories

Dank Drop, trending dank memes, funny memes, among us, leonardo dicaprio, relatable memes | Humans person is 1 year closer death: white people dancing enthusiastically | Teacher:Why are laughing No reason My Brain: R.PEANUT BREAKING 3 MIN Local Police Bust Nut Mr. Peanut getting arrested

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (9-19 To 9-25)

Entitled landlord refuses to pay for electricity during winter | Take away our heat and electricity during winter? Enjoy losing job and paying thousands Repost) NOTE:This post is owned by u/lillesdaddy TL;DR at bottom regretfully got an apartment with is my opinion worst landlord ever. This man will call entitled dick or ED, has audacity call himself good person court. Let fill got an apartment shortly after being released prison. Happy someone gonna give chance improve my life. This clearly not

Landlord Won't Pay For Electricity During Winter, Nuclear Revenge Ensues

A veteran mechanic messes with the wrong person, so his buddy ends up going down with him | r/ProRevenge Join u/earthrogue 3d Veteran Mechanic taking advantage active duty military and retirees messes with wrong person and his buddy goes down with him this started all trying do get out paying something didn't need and never asked By end going blood as someone else enacted their revenge posted this over r/militarystories and after couple comments realized belongs here too adding some edits give

Veteran Mechanic Messes With The Wrong Person

Company won't hire an employee directly and they end up living to regret it.

Company Won't Hire Employee Directly, They Live To Regret It

Funny dank memes, credit card declines memes, reddit memes, therapy, tattoo artists | Tattoo artist tattoo is done. Credit card *declines* Tattoo artist : peeling potato | Doctor removed bullet skull My card declines Doctor made with mematic person pointing gun at themselves

'Credit Card Declines' Memes Imagine Salty Instances Of Revenge

People describe the strangest things that happened to them that escape logic. | That_Weird_Girl_107 7h 1 Award hit patch black ice dark going 60mph down highway. At time drove 1 ton cargo van hit guard rail and flipped. Not only did walk away without scratch car drivable and only 30 min late work.

Strangest Occurrences People Can't Logically Explain

A professor turns into a complete nightmare so the dean intervenes, and saves the day | r/ProRevenge u/handcraftedcandy 10h Join Last minute professor turns into nightmare make sure she never has job there again. About 10 years ago attending local community College my Associates Fine Arts retrospect dumb do so after economy had tanked 2008 recession but digress my second year during first semester one class had take advance and be on track graduate on time Drawing II this class suppose learn

Professor Turns Into Total Nightmare, Dean Saves The Day

funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned 2020 america usa | couldnt-think funny-name got lot beef with concept dust. absolutely no reason something get dirty just because nothing has touched bullshit

Top Tumblr Posts And Tidbits From The Past Week

Manager tries to embarrass an employee, and ends up self destructing | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/Darigone Total Humiliation told should post this here [TL:DR] Manager used my report meeting set an example Only manager be humiliated by same report work security and have been years common practice is complete report happened during time specifically work patrols. Basically go location location checking on each site

Manager Tries To Embarrass Employee, Proceeds To Self Destruct