

Define "Fun"

boss work bathroom Office funny failbook g rated - 7471167232
Created by Veronica
People share stories of their worst summer jobs.

14 People Share Gruesome Stories of Their Worst Summer Jobs

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Presenting the People Who Decide Whether or Not You're Getting a Job

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Cause & Effect #87

boss cause and effect fired work - 5069189888
Stories of times parents obviously did their kid's school projects | Departure_Jaded 689 points 11 hours ago His dad accidentally wrote his own name on paper tortured kid week by calling him by his dad's name. Ah good times.

Times Students' Parents Obviously Did Their Work

Sometimes they failed, too
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funny tweets

Funny Things Happen To People On Their First Day At Work (Tweets)

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That Moment You Realize You're Way More Poor Than You Thought

Via loldandruff

None Whatsoever

work - 7729601536
Created by lori.miello
A collection of the creepiest things that night time workers ever witnessed | Xanghanistan 2d Worked as office cleaner before covid, 11-7am as 1- man team. One stormy ass night on phone while working my connection started fade and out All sudden there is just deafeningly loud shriek coming out my phone and power goes out. Even emergency lights remember looking out window 10th and seeing whole industrial park black. Nights make everything creepy

Freakiest Stuff Night Time Workers Witnessed

Hard pass on the graveyard shifts.
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A knowledgable boss is underestimated and proceeds to win tech support. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/syninthecity 17h sometimes need stroke 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 day my boss won Tech Support. Medium mostly lurk, but this..this boys, girls and enbie friends this story had be told. Some minor context do software support thing 's used by essentially everyone may go call with mom and pop running everything on an underpowered ancient SBS 11 multinational running ten thousand server instances their own cloud

Knowledgable Boss Is Underestimated, Proceeds To Win Tech Support

Some bosses are actually pretty good at their jobs.
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The Darkly Funny Tweets of Stephanie Mickus, Everyone!

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Via Stephanie Mickus

Fired and Pwned

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For Some of Us, Facebook IS Work...

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Created by amberfer

Mom Will Not Stand for These Excuses

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Via hossb0ss

Don't Judge a Book by its Breasts

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Just Start With Your ATM and PIN, That Should Get Their Attention

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Created by mattparadise

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