
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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The True Test of Friendship Has Always Been Food and Everyone Deserves a Banana Buddy

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Lesson of the Day: Epic Tweet Storm Proves Why You Should Listen to Your Girlfriend

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Scientists Have The Best Responses to Nobel Winner's Sexist Comments Using #distractinglysexy

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We Solemnly Swear You'll Be Up to No Good With These Sexy Harry Potter Look-a-Like Photos

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The Internet Rallies Behind #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner After Trump Surrogate Issues Immigration "Warning"

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The Hilariously Dramatic Struggle One Guy Has Trying to Mow His Lawn is How We All Feel About Yard Work

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Just a Few Reminders Why Celebrating Columbus Day is Awkward AF

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Bubba Sparxxx Lost Weight and Twitter Can't Believe He Looks Just Like a Normal Dude

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Woman Absolutely Shames Donald Trump in a Twitter Rant After Trump Tweets About Saturday Night Live Sketch

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The Internet Isn't Happy About Taylor Swift's Abuse of Her Trademarks

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The 16 People You'll Meet on Facebook

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Adele Releases a New Video, 'Hello' and the Twitter Fired Up the Meme-Reply Machine in Record Time

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Apparently Trump's Immigration Policy and "Make America Great Again" Had a Baby, it's This "Make Mexico Great Again Also" Hat

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What's Worse Than All Your Selfie Obsessed Friends? Selfie Obsessed Disney Characters

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The Best of Twitter Going Mad for Pokémon GO Right Now

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This Mother/Daughter Duo Bond Over Text Trying to Find Tampons and Smashing the Patriarchy