
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Forget R. Kelly, This Guy Was Actually Trapped in a Closet and Live Tweeted His Escape

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This Clever Girl's Hilarious Interpretation of Her School's Spirit Day is the More American Than Election Drama

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Adele Releases a New Video, 'Hello' and the Twitter Fired Up the Meme-Reply Machine in Record Time

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Scorned Women on Twitter Show Their Mean Side With the Vengeful #WasteHisTime2016

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#HeterosexualPrideDay Is Being Celebrated Today and the Internet Is Not on Board

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A Woman Live Tweeted an Arrogant Dude and His Unfortunate Date While He Refused to Navigate the Menu at a Sushi Restaurant

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Everyone Needs a Narrator to Speak the Real Truth About Their Life

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#IDumpedTaylorSwiftBecause Was Trending Globally and The Internet Delivered

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The Internet Reacts to the Twitter Fight of Our Generation

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One Woman's 6-Minutes of Kitchen-Panic Turned Out to be a Great Short Story

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Donald Trump's Children Posted a Headshot Ad Targetd to Millennials But The Only Thing People Saw Was How Creepy They Looked

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Adding a Movie to Another Movie Just to Ruin it is Actually More Fun Than Seeing Them

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Celebrities Eating Things Will Be Your New Favorite Weird Instagram Account

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March Madness' Yale vs Duke Matchup is Super White and Of Course the Internet is Making Fun of It

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Jennifer Lawerence and Chris Pratt Hurled Immature Insults at Each Other and Twitter Ate It Up

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Apparently Trump's Immigration Policy and "Make America Great Again" Had a Baby, it's This "Make Mexico Great Again Also" Hat