
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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The "Whoa We're Halfway There" Meme Will Answer All Your Pun Related Prayers

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Girl Live-Tweets Pokémon GO Players Battling for a Gym in the Ocean

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Vox Chose the Worst Title for a Star Wars Review Possible and Now Everyone Else Is Parodying Them With #VoxtheMovies

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Troll Comedian Gets a Scam Call and Decides to Play Along

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This Man's Live Tweet of the End of His Friend's Marriage Is a Roller Coaster of Violence, Drama and Intrigue

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The Internet Reacts to Graham, an Indestructible Humanoid Designed to Survive Car Crashes

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Third Eye Blind Gets Booed After Sounding Off at a GOP Concert

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Dad Joke Han Solo Is the Reason Kylo Ren Joined the Dark Side

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Whatever Your Worst Kiss Was, It's Got Nothing on This Awkward Contest on "Love At First Kiss"

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Everything You Need to Know About Why Twitter Banned Milo Yiannopoulos for Trolling Leslie Jones With Racist, Sexist Comments

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There's Nothing Worse Than Getting the Wrong Video Game Console for Christmas

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The Second Debate's Biggest Winner Was Kenneth Bone

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Twitter Imagines #HowPlanetsTalkAboutEachOther and They Don't Sound Very Nice

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Everyone Is Tweeting Memes About the Washington D.C. #Metroshutdown During Their Extra Long Commute

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Angelina Jolie Is Divorcing Brad Pitt and the Internet's Acting Like Their Parents Just Separated