Dating Fails


And Here I Thought I Was Getting All Kinds of Exercise

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Via Bad Newspaper

Well That's One Way to Get Back at Her

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Via Spudine89

These Prices *Literally* Won't Last Long

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Via notalwaysromantic

You Can Never Escape Your Wife

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Via Decepticon1

Ding Dong

Via distinguishedbaloney

After an Arrow Gets Shot Into His Yard, This Redditor Leaves a Special Note

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Via Reddit

Plot Twist of The Day: Man "Cheats" on His Wife With Woman at Target, Writes Viral Facebook Post

Plot Twist of The Day: Man "Cheats" on His Wife With Woman at Target, Writes Viral Facebook Post
Via Jason Hewlett

Affection To Infection

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Dog Don't Lie

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Oral Hygiene

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It's Hard to Argue With This Woman's Reasoning for Why Men Should Take More Photos of Their Wives

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Man Puts His Wife for Sale on eBay After She "Nagged Him for Feeling Ill"

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Well, That's an Odd Request

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She Might Meed an Explanation

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My Wife Did Not Enjoy Getting These Treats

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