Dating Fails


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Sorry Soul Finds Out Wife's Been Cheating On Him For Two Years In Worst, Most Brutal Way Imaginable

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Someone's Shucking a Little Side-Corn

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One Brave Man Shares All the Buzzwords Every Man Should Never Mention While in a Relationship

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Woman In Dubai Wants a Divorce Because Her Husband Can't Satisfy Her

He's not up for the challenge.
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After Waking Up From Surgery, This Guy Sees His Wife as if for the First Time. His Reaction is Priceless.

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Dude eBays Everything His "Cheating Whore of an Ex Wife" Left Behind As Revenge

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Dog Must Have Called "Shotgun"

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Holy Passive-Aggressiveness, Batman!

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It's Fun to Go Shopping With Your Wife

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Woman Chops Off Husband's Penis...Twice

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The Holidays Can Be Stressful for Your Significant Other

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