

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Wholesome helpful neighbor Tumblr story | keuhkopussirotta first doing laundry my new home building spontaneously threw shirt wearing there as well because frankly only do laundry l've run out clean clothes and shirt last had sitting there, shirtless, studying washing machine person whose laundry had been here last came retrieve his own. Casually, trying act like my shirtlessness nothing out ordinary asked him if clothes drying up on line were his. He confused, and realised he not fluent

Tumblr Story: Wholesome Neighbor Is Helpful for No Reason

See, people can be nice to each other.
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funny memes, dank memes, random memes, stupid memes, shitposts, facebook, tumblr, funny comments | Non sexual ways find out if girls sub? Charles Ray See if her clothes smell like Italian herbs and cheese | K-9 Bites Cow, Deputy Tases K-9, Cow Kicks Deputy DEPUTY COW K-9 The Office Mexican standoff

Witty Memes & Images For Humor Addicts

Everyone deserves a good chuckle
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A Tumblr thread that appreciates the cinematic masterpiece that was "Night At The Museum." | goddessofidiocy okay but why don't more people talk about Night at Museum like poc characters and people being portrayed by poc people | this movie is so good

Tumblr Thread Appreciates Night At The Museum

Was definitely an entertaining movie.
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A funny quick Tumblr thread about things that people will see on a road trip across America | things will see on road trip across america -so much desert will get scared seriously california new mexico is terrifying like 's eight straight hours pale red desert and sky is so large everything, even car, even hands, looks like tenuously small and fragile diorama placed on an endless pale red table and left there dissolve.

Quick Tumblr Post On Great American Road Trip

Don't forget those highway overpasses.
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beards list tumblr - 189957

Single Topic Blog of the Day: 'Will It Beard' Features Photos of a Man With Objects Stuck in His Beard

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