
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Jennifer Lawerence and Chris Pratt Hurled Immature Insults at Each Other and Twitter Ate It Up

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Someone Met a Stray Cat and Documented It From Capture to Friendship on Snapchat

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A Dead Cockroach Got the Shrine It Deserved (From College Students, in the Middle of a Hallway)

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Dad Joke Han Solo Is the Reason Kylo Ren Joined the Dark Side

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20 Famous Bands Recreated in LEGO

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This Artist's Makeup Impressions are on Point

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The 10 Best Responses to the Starbucks Christmas Cup Controversy

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A Girl's Sweet Interaction With Her Little Brother Led to Many Others Sharing Stories of How Their Siblings Show Love

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The Weekend Before the Presidential Election Gave Us 10 Hilarious Church Marquee Signs

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Top 10 Tardis Must Haves

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Drunkenly This Guy Booked a "Come to Brazil!!!!" Trip and Then Had the Time of His Life

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Kim Posted an Embarrassing Sleeping Picture of Kanye and the Internet Made It Even Better With Photoshop

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Beyoncé Slammed Jay-Z for Cheating in 'Lemonade', Then the Internet Slammed Him With Memes

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This Calvin and Hobbes Meets Star Wars Fan Art Will Awaken Your Nostalgia

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Single Topic Blog of the Day: Matching Monsters Adds Illustrated Creatures to Photos to Match the People in Them

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JB Hi-Fi's Video Game Reviews Are Better Than Published Reviews