
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Contend With the Curmudgeons on Your Commute by Giving Them New Heads

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Troll Comedian Gets a Scam Call and Decides to Play Along

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10 Reasons Why Donuts Are Better Than People

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Watch as an Artist Transforms This Thrift Shop Painting Into a Piece of Mario K(Art)

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Of Course Brazil Would Have a Butt Competition and The Winner Does Not Disappoint

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Meet Lexi, the 19-Year-Old "Protector" of Cops

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Ronnie Pickering is the Most Famous Man You've Never Heard of, and His Rage is Taking the Internet by Storm

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The Best FAILs and LOLs From the Start of the NBA Preseason

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In Case You Haven't Noticed, Literally Everyone Is Doing the Mannequin Challenge

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Game 1 of the World Series Happened Last Night and Naturally Everyone Took to the Internet

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Who Said It, Jenna Maroney or Donald Trump?

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These Tweets Just Prove That a Sing-Off Presidential Debate Would Be a Hell of a Lot More Entertaining

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This Photoshop Battle of an Upset Mother Is Truly the Greatest Wedding Gift the Internet Could Give

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Bucket List WIN

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11 Web Comics Showing The Great Joy That Cellphones Have Brought Us

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Why Not Learn a Few Facts While Pumping Gas?