
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Fed Up With Having His Packages Stolen, This Guy Took Matters Into His Own Hands (Warning: Gross)

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When the Typo You Make in Your Google Search Reveals What You Wanted All Along

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This Wife's Sign For Her Husband's First Vegas Trip is #RelationshipGoals

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Russian Photographer Katerina Plotnikova Takes Stunning Photos With Real Animals

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'50 Nerds of Grey' is a Steamy, Sexy Twitter Account That's Sure to Make Your Stack Overflow

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Guy Becomes the Admin of a Confederate Facebook Group and Pulls Off Greatest Trolling of All Time

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Photographer Sandro Miller Recreates Iconic Portraits With John Malkovich as the Subject

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Every Romantic Harry Potter Fan is Going to Want to Make Their Own Pensieve Gift

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To-Do List WIN

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The Favorite Jack-O-Lantern Theme This Year Is, of Course, the Trumpkin

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This Woman's Texts From Her Mother are So Supportive, Everyone Wanted to See if Their Mother Would Be as Supportive

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Next Time You Need to Return Anything to Your Ex, Use This as Your Guide


Troll Creates Fake Target Customer Service Account, Responds To Gender-Neutral Haters

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10 Reasons Why Teachers Are Totally Awesome

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This Restaurant Gives Discounts for Ordering in the Voice of Famous Characters

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The Photoshop Battle Based on This Smug Little Goat Will Satisfy the Snootiest of Critics