There, I Fixed It

there I fixed it

It Was Just a Matter of Time

there I fixed it - 7950050304
Via Izismile

Not How You Want to Start Off Your Monday

FAIL there I fixed it Office - 7572147712
Created by Unknown

Engineering at Its Finest

laptops there I fixed it duct tape - 7939441152
Created by Unknown

Finally, an Accurate Feedback Form

customer service there I fixed it - 7892419328

Budget Cuts

wood tape there I fixed it - 7187707904
Created by michael.j.methot

So Everything's Fine Now?

error message there I fixed it - 7950214912
Created by chimpcheese ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

There, I Hid It

deliveries snow there I fixed it packages - 7983293440
Via SpokeyDokey_

What You Can Do With Old Cases

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Created by cataddict

Since There Aren't Really Public Ashtrays Anymore

side mirror cars there I fixed it - 7846880000
Created by Unknown

Sometimes It's Better to Be Less Specific

labels there I fixed it - 7896942080
Created by Puns4all

Perfect Temperature

thermostat water cooler there I fixed it - 7878282240
Created by Unknown


motorcycle there I fixed it trike - 7934588416
Created by Jack_Preacher

I Think There's More Room on the Top

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Looks Like The Divorce Turned Out Well For Him

car DIY g rated moving day overkill there I fixed it towing - 5644375296
Created by Unknown

The Electric Kettle is Broken?

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Created by Jos Oestertag

And This Was Right Beside a School...

signs there I fixed it - 7983807744
Created by repetitively.redundant

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