There, I Fixed It

duct tape

How to Retrieve Objects That Fall Behind Furniture

duct tape belt there I fixed it - 7824932864
Via open-mike-knight

Great, Now We Have to Sue You

duct tape plumbing sink - 5711132160
Created by Unknown

At Least It Matches!

soap dispenser soap bathroom duct tape - 6965383936
Created by hicktopia

Maximum Effort

door handle duct tape - 7106765056

Mad Science Monday: Taking SETI To The Streets

cars duct tape Mad Science Monday satellite dish wtf - 4659999232
Created by george


car duct tape mod rearview side mirror - 2965860608

It's Much More Versatile

duct tape funny there I fixed it - 7753613056
Via captain-mo-blog

Duct Tape Insulation

insulation ac duct tape funny - 7523072000
Created by maple49686

Duct Tape Detailing

duct tape paint job - 6390055936
Created by Unknown

Headlight Alignment Was Too Low

car fail duct tape headlight - 5954732800
Via Google+


overkill cars duct tape funny there I fixed it - 7734560768
Via kmullett

Mad Science Monday: Cruising In a Teenage Wasteland

duct tape go kart Mad Science Monday stereo - 5167137792
Created by Unknown

They're Such a Supportive Team

duct tape faucet holding it up plumbing sink - 4644289024

Have Fun Taking That Off

duct tape Music ouch - 4466193920
Created by Unknown

The Hood's Fixed

cars duct tape there I fixed it - 7816467200
Created by LyokoTravels ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )
DIY duct tape not a kludge Video - 33927169

Please Don't Actually Do This

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