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'I become 10 again anytime I hear any theme from Pokemon': 40+ Gamers share the games that hold a special place in their hearts

There are times in your life when a story or a work of art will speak to you in volumes that exceed the bounds of the original creation. Whatever the reason, the place, or the time, that thing stuck with you—maybe it filled a void in your life, or maybe the story, music, or something more abstract resonated with you at that particular moment, or maybe it was a means to connect with people in a way that might not have otherwise been possible.
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Video Game Sequels More Disappointing Than The Last Jedi

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Porn Traffic Is Down Thanks To The Nintendo Switch Launch, But, Uh, Zelda-Related Porn Searches Are Up

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Artist Reimagines Iconic Zelda Characters in Fallout Universe

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When You've Finally Completed Your Quest

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Professional Artist Beautifully Reimagines Video Game Characters from Zelda, Mario, The Witcher, Bioshock and Metroid

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Fun With Tinfoil: Robo-Link and the Tin Surfer

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The Legend of Tuba: A Link to the Brass

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It's Dangerous to Eat Alone! Take This.

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But What if Metroid Could Crawl?

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