

client hates video and gets refund but still tries to use it

Unhinged Client Gets Refund For Video, Still Thinks They Can Use It, Gets Shut Down

Dude, give it a rest.
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funny things that looks like other things

Double Take-Inducing Images of Things That Look Like Other Stuff

Well hello there, uh, oh.
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creepy things kids said

25 Of The Creepiest Things People's Kids Said

Oh boy.
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entitled neighbor doesn't like how is lawn is being mowed so OP stops and he gets a fine

Entitled Neighbor Doesn't Like How Neighbor Mows Lawn For Free, So He Stops, Gets Fined

Oh, neighbors.
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entitled people

Entitled People And Their Fantastically Bold Moves

The incredible nerve.
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embarrassing stories

25 People Share The Most Embarrassing Moment They've Witnessed

People remember this stuff.
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absolute units

Absolute Units Whose Bigness Knows No Bounds

Uncompromising size.
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weddings where people knew the relationship wouldn't last

40 Times Wedding Guests Knew The Marriage Wasn't Going To Last

Not a good sign.
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entitled mom tries stealing iPad using kid as excuse

Entitled Mom Steals iPad, Caught When It Starts Dinging In Her Purse

Oh yeah, that.
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weird things people did visiting someone's house

Wild Junk People Had To Do When Visiting Someone Else's House

Uh, cool.
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photographer legally takes equipment and runs old company into the ground

Photographer Quits, Uses Loophole To Keep Equipment And Runs Old Company Out Of Town

Absolute devastation.
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things people won't do again

Things People Have Decided They Will Never Do Again

Learn from other people's mistakes.
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bad misspellings

Spelling Failures That Really Missed The Mark

That doesn't mean that.
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scary signs

Scary Signs That Aren't Messing Around

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weird human body facts

Freaky Human Body Facts To Feel Gross About

Oh cool thanks for that.
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neighbor cuts down own mulberry tree after hearing lie about mulberry wine

Neighbor Lies About Mulberry Wine Success To Mess With Eavesdropping Neighbor, Cuts Her Own Tree Down

Absolutely terrific.
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