
shipping boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit workplace malicious compliance reddit factory machine - 23310597

'This is literally hundreds of different customers orders': Nightmare boss tells factory worker to only run machines, worker decides to stop shipping orders for a whole week

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'I'd rather have a bonus': 30+ Employees share how the really feel about office holiday parties

'I'll let it pile up': Senior employee instructs coworker to never touch her stuff, coworker agrees

'I'll let it pile up': Senior employee instructs coworker to never touch her stuff, cue malicious compliance

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss requests constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss sabotages employees' workflow and demands constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

workplace discussion employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion bonus job work merry christmas workplace Horrible Bosses christmas bonus employment in the workplace - 23295237

'A $50 gift card that was deducted from my paycheck': 15+ Workers share the worst holiday gifts they ever received from an employer

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

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'I was prepared to help, however...': Unkind coworker lashes out at the accountant helping him absolve $4,500 in debt; ends up having to pay in full

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'[He] was not the brightest': Manager gets cheap, so career garage door repairman finagles himself and crew a 2-3 hour lunch and 7+ hours a person in overtime pay

'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250949

'We're going to be pursuing other candidates': Candidate loses job offer after "failing" salary guessing game interview tactic

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students share the dramas people can't stop talking about at their workplaces and schools

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students spill the juicy dramas people can't stop talking about

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250181

'A great deal of free labor': Candidate withdraws their application after being asked to prepare entire presentation using real company data

'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive

'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive