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'We won't be paid, [so] my answer was no': Daycare worker refuses to work overtime for the school's Christmas party, gets criticized for lacking 'Team Spirit'

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'This instructor got such a bee in her bonnet about my boots': Nursing instructor tries to flunk student over their choice of shoes

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'The next morning I had many missed calls': Overburdened restaurant closer refuses to work late, surprises bosses with messy restaurant and their two week notice

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'[She says] it's my fault': Boss blames worker when shady business practices earn her an investigation from the IRS

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift':Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift': Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

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'My screen was idle for 28 minutes': New manager accuses highest performer of being unproductive because of failed "screen audit"

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'I got my former supervisor fired': Employee given no reason for immediate termination uncovers a conspiracy with his ex-upper management while filing for his final paycheck

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

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'Get your boss fired': During the office holiday party, an employee catches his boss canoodling with an intern, causing a debate on the difference between blackmail, leverage, and legit honesty

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'Every single year': Company annually awards award named after CEO to that CEO

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'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers

'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers, they begin to 'plan her downfall'

Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

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'I'm quitting... Over text": Sketchy salon owner blows up at stylist for being 15 minutes late, gives her an ultimatum, so stylist peaces out

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'I give it 3 months before he quits or gets fired': Karma takes over a former employee's department after he quits, revealing a slacker manager's true managerial value