

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

Adults don't get to have snow days nearly as often as they should. Kids used to have snow days all the time in decades past. There was nothing better than the feeling of waking up for school to a blanket of snow coating every surface. In the past, you'd have to turn on the TV and watch the scrolling ticker on the bottom of the screen to find your school's announcement (but these days, there's an app for that). When you got to see the name of your school with the word “closed” next to it, it was…
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‘Want me to take a message? Sure!’: Coworker refuses to take her own calls, employee maliciously complies and escalates to management

‘Want me to take a message? Sure!’: Coworker refuses to take her own calls, employee maliciously complies and escalates to management

No one enjoys taking calls at work, but that doesn't mean you should offload those responsibilities on your coworkers. That's an easy recipe for making enemies on the job. At this office, everyone has to take the occasional call from disgruntled customers, and in this instance, we don't have a situation where the customer was the problem for once. Instead, we have a coworker who always happens to be
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents job malicious compliance retail work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 24248069

Entitled dude wants to cut a 150 person line, gets shut down: 'A middle-aged man [had] a screaming, crying tantrum'

Some people weren't ever taught that they can't always have things their way—and it shows… These days, being a preferred platinum, premium, premier, or bumbercrum-level customer really doesn't mean much of anything. Companies don't even really go through much to disguise this, either. Back in the day, if you did enough business with a company to achieve bundersnoot-level status, they'd give you actual upgrades and treatment that meant something. These days, you'll be lucky to get a pen, but it'…
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'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors'

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors,' employee maliciously complies

This supermarket employee is learning that some bosses care way more about appearances than others. It really depends on your career path: if you're a lawyer, there's no way you can show up to work rocking green hair and lip piercings. But there are plenty of job opportunities where HR either doesn't care or doesn't have the power to instruct employees about that kind of thing. When you rock an unnatural hair color, people usually have one of three reactions. They'll either tell you they like i…
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'One dude once photocopied a slice of pizza': 20+ Cases of workplace foolishness

'One dude once photocopied a slice of pizza': 20+ Cases of workplace foolishness

No workplace is safe from that one dude who can't get anything right. There really is at least one person in every company who seems wildly underqualified for the job. This is the kind of guy who makes you wonder how they ever got a driver's license or paid their taxes, because they're seemingly too dim-witted to function. Sometimes, it's not even the person's fault, necessarily---you can just tell they're in the wrong career . For example, one shoe store worker was asked to organize some shoes…
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‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

Professors in college can be divided into two personality groups. Either they couldn't care less about college or the class they are teaching, constantly missing classes and passing everyone on their test. Or, they are extremely strict and tough, with hardly any consideration for their students. Now, even without these professors, college is hard enough, so imagine having to go through college with the latter professors, while also being blind. This Reddit story was written by a Classroom Techn…
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'This guy... scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts': 25+ Times workers avoided being fired

'This guy... scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts': 20+ Times workers avoided being fired after making huge mistakes

Some people can get away with absolutely anything . It's like a natural gift that some folks are born with. They can talk their way out of any situation; they can befriend anyone in an instant. It's a wonder to watch people like this work their magic. But if they happen to be your irritating coworker who seems unfireable, that's a whole different story. It seems like a lot of people who are immune to being let go are nepo-babies. These are the children of nepotism: they're the grown adults with…
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'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

Did you ever break something in a store and the employees demanded that you pay for it? There used to be a time when every store had those big 'You break it, you buy it' signs, and it was terrifying trying to walk through the aisles without touching anything in fear it would break. I never broke something in a store and then had to pay for it, which makes me wonder if those stores actually enforce this rule or if they simply pity whoever broke an item and just let it go. This post office worker…
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'So you work with Dolores Umbridge?’: Manager uses entire budget to make the office pink, employees retaliate

Talk about misappropriating funds! This horrendous boss does
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'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

The business world is not always kind. You are but a small component in this game. You should never feel too comfortable when you finally 'land' that job you believed would be the culmination of your desire since everyone can be replaced. What they fail to mention, though, is that occasionally—just occasionally—one cog is what keeps the entire empire afloat; without it, everything crumbles down.
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Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

The decision this trucking company made really defies all logic. It's almost as if the decision was made by some higher-ups who were trying to save a few pennies. Unfortunately for them, those pennies they saved ultimately cost them plenty of dollars in the long run. Driving a truck is a career unlike any other. Truckers spend long months on the road, often living out of their truck and working demanding hours. U/Mallory454 shared that during their tenure as a truck driver in the 1990s, they we…
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coffee shop coworkers dining bosses boss coffee job jobs food service work workplace workplace-stories barista - 24355333

'I was still surprised not to see my pay bump': Young barista gets cafe shut down after learning their work was underpaying them

The owner of this coffee shop is in for a surprise. They somehow decided to run a business without doing some pretty basic research on how to pay their employees. As a teenager, getting your first job can be a joy. You suddenly have some walking-around money, or driving-around money, since you now have enough cash to fill your tank and drive your friends around. It might only be a few hundred dollars per month, but since you're working for the first time, you don't know any better. Many states…
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'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

Not everyone can be the employee of the month. Some employees are destined for mediocrity, while others are so dim-witted it makes you wonder how they ever got the job in the first place. These people have been shocked by their own especially goofy coworkers, which they told to the r/askreddit community. U/Colossus252 asked, “What's your story of the dumbest coworker you've ever had the privilege of working with?” and more than 1,100 Redditors revealed their funniest stories.
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CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'

CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'

This CEO has never heard of the phrase “teamwork makes the dream work.” He seems to think he's the only person in the entire company who knows how things should be done. People with big egos like that can be really hard to get along with. These people didn't get to be the CEOs and COOs of companies without a little bravado. CEOs aren't exactly known for their willingness to spend time with other employees, either. A lot of them either hide out in their offices with their c-suite pals, or they j…
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‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

There is something about those extremely sophisticated petty revenge stories, that are just so satisfying to read. Because really, all you need in order to get back at someone is just a bit of creativity and courage, and you can get away with the funniest little tricks. Here is the perfect example of one. This employee told Reddit about how they got back at an unreasonable boss who kept giving employees bad reviews for no reason. Instead of causing a scene, or threatening to quit, OP came up wi…
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'I had to keep reminding my boss our agreement': Employee plans brilliant exit strategy after boss won't promote them

'I had to keep reminding my boss of our agreement': Employee plans brilliant exit strategy after boss refuses to promote them

If you excel at your work, you might get rewarded with… more work. Such is the way of the world at many workplaces! Your employer wants you to give 110% at work, and even that is not enough. In fact, some people recommend only ever working to 80% of your capacity to get around this fact. The reward for mediocrity is usually just keeping your job and getting a fine performance review. But if you excel, and you have a hard time saying “no,” you may wind up with dozens of extra tasks on your plate.
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