

'When our boss arrived, he straight panicked': Employees play dress-up while head bosses visit their workplace

'When our boss arrived, he straight panicked': Employees play dress-up while head bosses visit their workplace

These employees were thrilled to dress up for work for one day. Too bad their boss didn't agree with their outfit choices. Workplaces all have different codes for how employees should dress. Many decades ago, people wore suits and ties or nice dresses to their jobs. Everyone dressed like that every day for work, with few exceptions. These days, though, a lot of offices have relaxed their dress codes. With the exception of places like lawyers' offices or doctor's offices, many employees are tota…
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'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

Sometimes the best petty revenge is pretending like your enemy simply doesn't exist. This could be as simple as a change in mentality. However, not concerning yourself with someone's existence (especially a coworker) might not be enough. Sure, it's probably the more mature thing to do, but we're not necessarily concerned with maturity here at FAIL Blog. This employee had been repeatedly disrespected over the years by a coworker that he trained from the very beginning. Not to sound like an old p…
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'Boss [is] listening to private conversations': Toxic boss plants secret security camera, records employees' side conversations

'Boss [is] listening to private conversations': Toxic boss plants secret security camera, recording employees at work

Sometimes it feels like your boss is watching your every move because that's exactly what he's doing. This employee realized in the worst way possible that their employer was secretly recording their side conversations like this was some Linda Tripp situation. It turns out that the folks of Reddit were hyper-aware of this surprisingly common practice. As a relatively anxious worker, I always feel the often nonexistent presence of an authority figure breathing down my neck and monitoring my ever…
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'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to insurance employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

She had it coming! People who seek the assistance of customer service representatives should take a moment to check their egos at the door before getting on the phone. No one needs to know how important you are to help sign you up for the right insurance plan. What you do need to do, however, is be patient and listen because these folks have the ability to make things a lot easier or difficult for you depending on how you choose to behave. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousComplianc…
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Update: Employee refuses to change password, places the blame on another company: 'She was fired on the spot'

Update: Employee refuses to change password, places the blame on another company: 'She was fired on the spot'

Out of the many reasons an employee could get fired, this is one of the most preventable (and silly) reasons. It's never been more important to have strong passwords to protect yourself on the internet. Maybe 20 years ago it was okay to choose “password1234” as your entry code, but that'll never fly with today's advanced technology. As tech evolves, it requires more creativity to get into someone's email or computer. Even people who have had their passwords stolen before don't always take the p…
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24223493

'They paid thousands for 4 unused vacation days': Employee sues boss for gaslighting them about their remaining annual leave

If there's one thing employers hate, it's benefits; even the greatest employer or boss has likely at one point begrudgingly approved a PTO request or ticked off additional PTO for their staff. And I'll admit, as a manager, when you see a PTO request, sometimes your intrusive thoughts kick in… “Do they really need this week off?" “How about the next one?” “Can't your brother just reschedule their wedding?” Obviously, this is ridiculous, but show me a manager who hasn't had these thoughts and I'l…
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'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

Getting fired on Day One is almost admirable. You have to be spectacularly ill-suited and woefully unfit to the position to mess things up that quickly and that obviously. Perhaps it's not your fault. Perhaps the recruiters did not make themselves clear from the get-go about what the expectations were. Perhaps both parties misread signals about one another's skills and preferences. Or perhaps it actually was your fault all along and you were fired for a reason. The lattermost scenario may be ra…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24070917

'Stop acting like you're important!': Performance collapses when boss tells worker to do their own job instead of the extra work they had been doing

Being told to just do your job is kind of fair; it is your job, after all, and the reality of the world is that at some point, it's going to be necessary for you to step in line and let someone else call the shots. Still, is it really fair to “just do your job” when it's not really your job in the first place, and someone else has decided that your job is to do their job too? There's a reason why your boss is paid more to go along with the responsibility that has been handed to them, and handin…
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'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

Occasionally, employees discover a loophole within their company's various policies that will make the experience of working at said company all the more palatable. When one discovers a loophole like this, it's important to tell no one. You don't want people catching on, not even your work husband/wife. You just keep doing you, until your scheming comes to light. Most of the time, management is so clumsy and disorganized that nothing ever really does come to light. This thread was posted to Red…
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'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

Every single person in the world had a package misdelivered at some point. It's a right of passage to adulthood, you simply can not argue with that. But, the question of who's at fault when that happens, and who is to blame, is a completely different issue. Well, 99% of the time it's the delivery company's fault, that is why people don't like them. But on some occasions, they actually do a decent job. Like in this Reddit story, in which a post office worker had to deal not only with a Karen, bu…
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staff boss workplace-stories firing jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit friends hiring workplace bad bosses malicious compliance reddit - 24192005

'Ruin a department I helped create? Fine': New manager fires workers so she can hire her friends

It couldn't be clearer that this manager had zero idea what she was doing. At least that's what her employee, u/DangerPaladin55, explains in their story about the department they ran a few decades ago. Workplaces are ever-changing. At corporations with hundreds of employees, workers are hired and fired each day. Turnover is much more noticeable at small companies , though. Hiring the right person can make a huge difference. Having someone who gets along well with everyone can change the workpla…
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'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

Reading a petty back-and-forth between an employer and an employee is like watching a taboo tennis match. With each message, we fully gasped as the ball was hit into the other person's court and then smashed back. Like tennis, it takes skill and confidence to talk back to your employer with carefully crafted messages full of facts and receipts. This employee knew what they were doing and had nothing to lose as it seemed clear they were prepared to leave. They shared this post via this thread on…
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funny workplace stories workplace-stories idontworkherelady manager funny stories i quit quit managers Horrible Bosses quitting - 24204037

'I quit well over 10 years ago': Worker gets called in to work a shift at the fast food place they left 10 years prior

It's a funny thing, really, leaving a job. One day, a huge part of your life is handling the trials and tribulations of your role, the emotional turmoil of navigating the uniquely terrible sociopolitical drama of your workplace, and the stress of your capricious boss's unpredictable reactions; the next, none of it matters anymore—you're never stepping foot back there again. Of course, the trauma and lasting burnout may take some time to rebound from, but ten years down the track, the very worst…
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'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

How many chances should these interviewers have given their candidates? A lot of these interviewers were surprisingly lenient on their interviewees. Going for a job interview is one of those universally scary human experiences. Whether you're 15 or 55, it's still a nerve-wracking endeavor each time. You've got to print out your resumes, read up on the company, iron that business suit, and show up early with a smile on your face. If that seems like just the bare minimum for you, just read these…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit workplace technically correct malicious compliance reddit - 24188677

'My boss told me to write down everything, so I did': Employee spends three days writing technical document for micromanager boss

Micromanaging the wrong person turned this boss's day into a giant headache. Some people are born leaders. Others are pushed into leadership positions with no idea what they're doing. They need to make it look like they know what they're doing, though, so they figure the best course of action is to start bossing their workers around. What they don't realize is that many workers are already performing at the top of their game, and they're self-motivated, too. So when a manager steps in and start…
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'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

Things could have been so much easier for this company if this manager just acquiesced and accepted his employee's PTO request. Here, we have a loyal employee who was hoping to use his four paid unused vacation days that had rolled over, only to have his request denied by his manager. It wasn't just a timing or scheduling issue; the days were flat-out taken away from him. The Redditor, who shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, gathered enough evidence and…
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