

'Won't provide me a laptop for work? Fine, I won't work then': Low-paid intern stops overworking after company refuses to send them a laptop

'Won't provide me a laptop for work? Fine, I won't work then': Low-paid intern stops overworking after company refuses to send them a laptop

This intern was being overworked, and got tired of it pretty quickly. There's a period of uncertainty between the time you leave college and get your first “real job." Some people spend weeks or months in this period, while others take years to break into their field. It can leave you feeling like you're too experienced for unpaid internships, but you're also not getting hired as a professional in your field. It leaves you wondering how you'll ever get to that point… and so many college grads e…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 2356231

Boss demands details of employee's daily bathroom breaks: 'I am required to tell him how many times I used the restroom'

There's this thing that happens in the earliest levels of grade school where you're required to notify your teacher that you're going to be going to use the “facilities.” Really, this is just for the sake of accountability and so that the adult responsible for your care knows where you are, that you'll soon be back, and that you haven't just wandered off to explore the world through the dreamy lens of your undeveloped prefrontal cortex. Even at that age, it's weird when the adults decide to mak…
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‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

While working as a customer care representative is never fun, dealing with vacationers who think they deserve it all is an absolute nightmare. The story below is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. The original poster (OP) dives right into the narrative without wasting any time setting the scene. It all began at around one in the morning when a haughty visitor made his way to the hotel reception to grab a towel for ‘his’ wife. He started screaming about the reportedly subpar customer s…
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20 Interview Flops Where Hiring Managers Figured Out Candidates Were Lying: 'They literally started crying when we brought out a laptop for the skills test'

20 Interview Flops Where Hiring Managers Figured Out Candidates Were Lying: 'They literally started crying when we brought out a laptop for the skills test'

Sometimes, embellishing a resume can come back to haunt you forever. Obviously, honesty is the best policy, but it can be tempting to over-exaggerate in such a competitive job market. It can be hard to stand out. Sometimes, it's even accidental. Perhaps the way you phrased something on your resume gave the hiring recruiter the wrong impression of your skillset. Look, we know that scenario is likely quite rare, but we often side with job candidates here at FAIL Blog. This time, however, we're go…
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Team Leader asked to motivate worker by arrogant manager, motivates them to leave: 'He's doing the work of 2-3 people'

'He's a millionaire now': Team Leader asked to motivate worker by arrogant manager, motivates them to leave for a better job

Being a manager is all about knowing people, and believe it or not, in order to be a good manager you also have to care about people. Of course, you have to protect the business interests too (if you want to keep your job) but there's a balance to be struck here—and the best managers strike it true. See, the thing is, having a motivated and cohesive team is actually the best asset a company can have—heck, even if your morals are based on a balanced checkbook, it stands to reason that the best i…
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Software developer accidentally cuts his salary in half: 'Always unavailable, always underperforming'

Software developer accidentally cuts his salary in half: 'Always unavailable, always underperforming'

If you ever find yourself making a six-figure salary , you'd better try your hardest not to lose that job. Many people never progress past salaries of 30k-48k per year. These salaries are livable, but if you want to have kids or own a house? You can forget about things like that on such a low wage. You find yourself shopping at the dollar store, trying to find clearance foods, and super-gluing your shoes together when they start to inevitably fall apart. I just know that if I made 100k-200k per…
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Boss's team loses in the Super Bowl, calls in sick and dumps all his work on employee: 'I am super sad but I'm working through it!'

Boss's team loses in the Super Bowl, calls in sick and dumps all his work on employee: 'I am super sad but I'm working through it!'

This one goes out to the people who have to deal with die-hard football fans on a regular basis. Perhaps this person in your life is your partner, and every Sunday night during football season is filled with lots of shouting at the TV. Perhaps it's a family member who refuses to talk about anything else at the dinner table, even when it's between seasons. Or if you're like this employee, perhaps that big football fan in your life is your employer and you simply cannot relate to their obsession.…
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'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

Some managers need to learn to have some patience. Not every issue is worth the time and energy to throw a tantrum and get on a high horse. There are often far more important things to be done and far more productive ways to channel any frustrations. But when has a manager ever listened to what we have to say over here at FAIL Blog? This manager certainly did not take our advice. She also clearly had some major anger management issues, considering that when she confronted a server about a hash…
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'I'm not logging on': Worker asked to do their job remote after being told by CEO that their job couldn't be

'I'm not logging on': Worker asked to do their job remote after being told by CEO that their job couldn't be, takes the day off instead

One of the best things to come out of the train wreck that was the last four years of existence globally was the newfound discovery that working remotely was indeed possible for many jobs. Of course, this was something that workers everywhere had been trying to tell their bosses for years, but the top brass, afraid of upsetting the status quo and sending their companies into a tailspin—and wanting to maintain every last ounce of control over their workers—insisted that it just wasn't possible.…
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Update: 'That's the end of my narcissistic boss': Boss gets fired after dishwashing malicious compliance

Update: 'That's the end of my narcissistic boss': Boss gets fired after dishwashing malicious compliance

Working in a kitchen is the kind of high-octane environment where people can get testy and emotions can run high. Those of us who have worked in restaurants before know exactly what this is like, and those of us who have not can pretend they understand because they watch The Bear . This thread was initially posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit a few months ago, but the original poster is back with a new update. For the sake of clarity, we have included both posts below. In the fir…
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‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

Working a graveyard shift when you are at a front desk type of job is always… interesting. The stories that those employees tell in the break room afterward are always the funniest and most unhinged ones. The combination of the late hour, lack of sleep, the manager not being present, and weird customers always creates the best tales to be told. A lot of those tales end up on Reddit, much like this one. The OP of this story worked at the front desk of a hotel on a night shift during Mardi Gras.…
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Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar'? The best example of what this statement signifies is found in the story that follows. OP establishes the scenario at the beginning of the story. OP is employed by the customs department. As such, a great deal of the day's events hinge on whether those who cross the border assist border patrol agents in carrying out their duties or make their life more difficult by disobeying them. The story begins wi…
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‘You’re not getting a raise': Boss refuses to level employee's salary with other team members who are making $20,000 more than them

‘You’re not getting a raise': Boss refuses to level employee's salary with other team members who are making $20,000 more than them

In most companies, you need to fight tooth and nail to get a good raise. You're not going to receive a big fat check inside a fancy envelope engraved with your initials, accompanied by a note that congratulates you on a job well done. No, managers aren't that nice. Instead, you're going to have to come up to them with a list of metrics (which they already have) that prove you are worth something. Then you'll need to ramble a bit about how much you appreciate your job, how amazing they are, and…
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Toxic CEO leaves unhinged response to Glassdoor review: 'I'm sure Mommy wants you out of her basement by now':

Toxic CEO leaves unhinged response to Glassdoor review: 'I'm sure Mommy wants you out of her basement by now':

There is nothing like a toxic boss getting defensive and, in the process, proving why people were calling him toxic in the first place. That's exactly what happened when an unhinged CEO responded to this viral Glassdoor review, which was shared to this r/antiwork Reddit thread. Choosing to respond publicly to a Glassdoor review as an employer is already an eyebrow-raising move. However, the fact that this CEO clearly did not consult human resources or any other coworkers about how to respond sa…
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'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

As a working adult, there is one lesson about work you usually learn the hard way, which is to never let anyone push you into doing work that is not part of your job description. If you agree to even a small job that is something you are not getting paid to do, you will probably end up doing a lot more, without being rewarded for it. This is why the OP in this Reddit story was probably not in a rush to do what a customer asked for. That and the fact that the customer was incredibly entitled and…
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‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

It should go without saying that job interviewers should pay the same amount of respect to the interviewees as they expect to be getting themselves. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. For some reason, the people who are there to hire tend to think they are more important than those who are looking for a job, and so they disregard them, even to their faces. Like the person who shared this story on Reddit. The OP was interviewing for a job, and the interviewer couldn't have been more disr…
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