

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Oftentimes, in life, it can be startling just how incompetent some people are, they may be incompetent even to the point of cruelty and you may be convinced that cruelty is their base and driving function. However, as Hanlon's Razor reasons for us, we should “ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Of course, this doesn't always apply when greed and lust for power are driving forces, though stupidity often plays into these decisions too. Stupidity or cruelty…
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'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

To cut a long story short, this employee's VP removed them from a project in order to punish them, and what ended up happening was that as a result, the firm lost big time. But wait, it gets better. The employee actually quit, began working for the firm's competitor, and salvaged the project once the firm crumbled! Yeah, that's a lot of information to take in, so let's start at the beginning. The employee in question was working as a junior project manager for an engineering firm. They were goo…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work coworkers workplace coworker workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24664325

Office manager lies about dish washing duties, worker exposes her to CEO: 'Oh, I was informed that all the staff wash their own dishes...'

The chore of doing the dishes is one of the great equalizers of this world, and whether or not someone is doing their part to keep the dishes cleared is an argument that will take place in different places with different people throughout your entire life. It starts when you're a kid and your parents are trying to impart to you the role and responsibility and just the sheer flipping amount of time that it takes to do the basic necessary household tasks that your parents are doing for you on a d…
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Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Retail is like the Wild West: it's vast and untamed. And who needs to maintain composure in the midst of such mayhem, in your humble opinion? That's the customer service agent, of course. The story that follows is from a disappointed sales department employee. The Original Poster (OP) holds a job at a small business located in the neighborhood shopping center. The business has had to deal with an increase in theft lately. Unfortunately, due to the shopping center's numerous rules and restrictio…
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'She trusted my word and denied her a position': Researcher questions if she made the right choice in denying a 'strong applicant' a job

'She trusted my word and denied her a position': Researcher questions if she made the right choice in denying a 'strong applicant' a job

Guilt was eating this researcher up, so she turned to the internet for some help. These students are still quite young—they're both just 19 years old. They still have a lot of learning to do about how the world works and office politics. It's the kinds of things you learn over time, like knowing to schmooze with the right people when you have the opportunity, or knowing about the “praise publicly, criticize privately” rule. When you're young and first starting off, all you know is that you want…
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terrible coworkers Food Thief workplace-stories employee malicious compliance new hire petty revenge Office workplace stolen lunches Reddit - 24605957

'I said that he wouldn’t have been in danger if he wasn’t a liar and a thief': Office food thief learns his lesson after coworker brings lunch with peanuts despite knowing he's allergic

This office has a food thief who seems to have been stealing one particular employee's lunch on a regular basis. She knows exactly who's doing it, as her lunches only started being stolen after a new hire started. Despite the new hire's relentless denial, her lunches kept going missing. One day, she brought leftovers for lunch that contained peanuts, knowing that the thief had a peanut allergy. But what was she supposed to do? Let him know before he stole it? Well, the food thief struck again,…
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‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

If you are ever so fortunate to be in a position where you are able to buy a house, the house you buy must be perfect for you, or at least has to have the potential of becoming perfect. You spent so much hard-earned money on this property, you want to look at it with pride, not disappointment. That is why it is unsurprising to learn that many buyers back out of buying a house even for the smallest of reasons. That being said, there are many other times when the reasons are downright ridiculous,…
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employment job jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace i quit quit quitting malicious compliance antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 24654853

'Ok, but it’ll cost you £1m': Engineer makes technical manual filled with memes and quits after being demoted for boss's arrogant mistake

There's nothing worse than working for someone who is as arrogant as they are irresponsible. You'll soon find yourself doing all of the work to keep the company above water while getting absolutely no recognition or thanks for it. That's the situation this worker found themselves in tasked with expanding production and business operations for the small business owner that they worked for. They crafted and executed their plan only to be stonewalled by their boss when it came to paying to hire th…
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management workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace manager job tales-from-the-workplace work reddit story talesfromyourserver workplace Reddit store - 24503813

‘They left me all alone’: New hire abandoned during rush hour, then gets blamed by management for low sales

Being the newest employee is never easy. There is so much to learn and you constantly feel like you have to prove yourself with every step you take. The one thing that can make that experience a little bit more tolerable is the people you work with and the way they help you settle in. If those people are not there for you the way they should be, it makes the onboarding a lot more difficult. The employee in this Reddit story did not have the easy onboarding he wished for. Two weeks into the job,…
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ceo employment job jobs Horrible Bosses resigned work workplace i quit quit quitting malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 24338949

'Today the company operates with 35% remaining employees': Employer tells worker to "act their wage," they quit and tank the company

Being told that you should “know your place” by the person who has been benefiting
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Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

At what point will hiring managers just acknowledge that the reason why people are applying is always ultimately about a paycheck? Sure, sometimes there can be passion that motivates an applicant to apply for a particular position, but a paycheck is a paycheck and people need money to live. That's the point of work. With that in mind, no one should dress a job up to be anything else during the application process. It also should not be a bad thing if a candidate states that they want a certain…
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‘He worked for one hour from home and that was it’: Undervalued employee finds loophole in company half-day policy, barely works until he quits

‘He worked for one hour from home and that was it’: Undervalued employee finds loophole in company half-day policy, barely works until he quits

There is a special place in heaven for employees who discover loopholes and share about them with their fellow coworkers. It’s perhaps the most rewarding phenomenon within the battlefield that is toxic workplace culture. The only thing better than discovering a loophole within company policy is, well, being treated well by your company. However, we’re realists over here, and we understand that proper treatment of all employees is merely the stuff of dreams. This story, however, surely provides…
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‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

Any front desk employee can tell you that more often than not, some fishy things are happening behind that counter. Even the most prestige establishment can get entangled in some ugly business. With that being said, it can be worrisome to think about the fact that many of these establishments have repeated access to extremely personal information of their clients. Like the hotel in this Reddit story. A front desk clerk wrote to Reddit with the concern that her hotel was doing wrong by its guest…
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Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

There is a reason why kids are taught not to talk about people behind their backs. Of course, we do it anyway, but in professional settings, it almost always comes back to bite you in the behind. So when this director of a nonprofit decided to spread rumors about the web developer she worked with and to blame him for various problems she had, of course karma came back to rear its head. Not only was this woman slandering the web developer’s name, but he ended up finding out through family member…
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'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

Have you ever met someone who is blissfully unaware of seemingly everything around them? They're the type of person who floats through life with an empty head, and is often surprised when you correct them about common facts . We have a lot of love for our dumb friends, although we may have less tolerance for dimwitted coworkers. When your friend says or does something silly, it becomes an inside joke. But when a coworker acts brainless, you start wondering if they make more money than you, or i…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24591877

'They all hated me': Worker's warnings of impending disaster are ignored leading to meltdown

Sometimes in life you just have to grab the bull by the horns and take the reigns into your own hands, taking charge so that the ship rightens straight on to the course that it was set—you know, and all that jazz. Of course, those who were supposed to be in charge and were steering the ship straight into a sandbar or a reef (with utter confidence) may not appreciate you doing so. No, the people in charge don't really appreciate being told they're wrong, even when they are frequently and with fe…
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