

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

Serving customers is not always an easy task. Having said that, most people who decide to work in the hospitality sector are people who like engaging with customers and have excellent interpersonal skills. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is no justification for rudeness or improper behavior on the part of clients. The story that follows is an account of an irritated server. For some time now, the Original Poster (OP) has been employed by his brother-in-law, who runs a Mexican restau…
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'Well, 9:00am - 5:00pm it is!': Lawyer refuses to come in early for big meeting after getting reprimanded by partner for leaving early

'Well, 9:00am - 5:00pm it is!': Lawyer refuses to come in early for big meeting after getting reprimanded by partner for leaving early

Welcome to the workforce, where managers never pick and choose their battles carefully. This one decided to scold her employee, a lawyer at a firm, for leaving the office early one day because he had to start a few hours earlier for a deposition. The meaning behind her frustrated lecture was that she did not want other lawyers to get the wrong idea that they can leave the office at any time. Let us be clear if we haven't been already on this site: if you are an employee and you have to come in…
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Update: Job candidate calls out startup for not properly paying overworked employees, withdraws application

Update: Job candidate calls out startup for not properly paying overworked employees, withdraws application

It's important for job seekers to know what to ask if they are worried about a toxic work environment. Oftentimes, it takes experience in a prior toxic workplace to know what those red flags are. However, every so often, there is a friend or colleague who is willing to share their tough experiences so that you don't have to endure the same trials and tribulations. Consider this the polar opposite of “paying your dues,” an outdated concept that tends to allow for the continuation of bad workplac…
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'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

Leave it to an executive with no common sense to make a huge mess. As so often happens, this higher-up wanted to prove that they were the head boss in charge, and made everyone else's days a little worse for it. Our society would be nowhere without the folks who work in construction. Concrete is in just about every modern building, not to mention sidewalks and roads. Construction crews can make quick work out of this. In just a few hours, your company can go from having a broken slab of concret…
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'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

In every office, there is at least one uptight coworker and one coworker who thinks he's a good guy but is a total devil. The former example can certainly be annoying and frustrating at times, but it's par for the course in a workplace environment. However, the latter is a wildly toxic presence that often needs to be excised immediately. With this story , we have a prankster who shared his “win” against an uptight coworker, only to get completely roasted in the comments section. Most folks joke…
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'Meet me at the courthouse': Coder brings 500 pages of evidence to judge to get back at their boss

'Meet me at the courthouse': Coder brings 500 pages of evidence to judge to get payback on their stingy boss

This company just kept stringing their coder along without ever paying a dime. Working a side hustle has become the norm for many Americans. Inflation means that prices have never been higher. We're all renting instead of owning houses. Lots of millennials are even still living with their parents to save a few bucks! Even if you work 40 hours per week like this programmer did, it still might not be enough to cover all your expenses and have a little extra fun money. It wasn't enough for this du…
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'Please come back': Undervalued chef quits after boss refuses to pay full salary, restaurant collapses as boss begs him to come back

'Please come back': Undervalued chef quits after boss refuses to pay full salary, restaurant collapses as boss begs him to come back

There are challenges in the food industry. Drama, anxiety, and unforeseen events abound every day and must be managed to keep things running according to plan. What would happen, though, if your manager—who specifically sought you out for the position—tried to play the corporate game with you? Do you stay in your current role and work alongside those who make you detest the career you once loved, or do you leave to pursue better and more exciting opportunities far, far away from it all? The sto…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace getting fired fired toxic workplace Horrible Bosses - 24071429

$11,000 machine gets destroyed after the operator is fired for exposing executive's embezzlement scheme: ' [The books were] $20,000 out'

Growing up, we're taught that it's important to always tell the truth and that we should, further, point out and draw attention to any wrongdoing that we witness in the world around us. These points are even beaten into our heads in the US in the form of various folktales about historical United States presidents and other prominent figures doing “the right thing” when the chance was presented for them to do otherwise. Of course, while stories like “Honest Abe and the Six Pennies” serve as grea…
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‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

Too many bosses don't know or care to go through company policy. But a handful of them know exactly which rules will benefit them… and not their employees. You would think that a boss who purposely makes their employee drive 200 miles a day without being compensated should be fired. I find it hard to believe I'm the only one rooting for this dude's professional demise… So what happened? This boss lied to his employee and worse, manipulated them into commuting 200 miles a day for 2 entire years…
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'My mom ends up ruining the life of her ex-boss': Head of Finance gets caught making financial 'irregularities' for decades

'My mom ends up ruining the life of her ex-boss': Head of Finance gets caught making financial 'irregularities' for decades

This woman managed to turn lemons into lemonade, even as she was getting fired from her job . We admire her can-do attitude, and her kid clearly did too, since they shared Mom's story to the malicious compliance subreddit. When companies do less-than-legal activities, they often try to make it seem totally normal. They need their employees to believe it's perfectly normal to bend the rules… and bend them some more… and keep bending them. By the time an employee has fully broken the rules, they…
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'He was out to get me from the start': Employee deletes all his work files after being fired by manager who wants to take down the company

'He was out to get me from the start': Employee deletes all his work files after being fired by manager who wants to take down the company

Getting fired is not a fun experience, that is a no-brainer. Nobody likes getting fired, and nobody wants it. Most of the time, it comes out of nowhere, but sometimes you actually see it coming. Whether by listening to a hushed conversation between your supervisors or when you see a suspicious-looking meeting was added to your calendar. I always wanted to be one of those employees who dare to teach the boss a lesson when they decide to fire you. Some kind of way to say “You are going to be sorr…
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'To save two dollars in OT, they let a few thousand dollars [...] go to waste': Employee lectured for working OT, double malicious compliance ensues

'To save two dollars in OT, they let a few thousand dollars [...] go to waste': Employee lectured for working OT, double malicious compliance ensues

Why is it that so many bosses are too concerned with enforcing minor rules rather than focusing on what should be their priorities? The answers are almost related to money and ego. If it's money, you have a boss who can only think about budget, budget, budget, and nothing else. There's no concern for the wellbeing of your employees and, in some cases like this one, there isn't even much thought given to the overall wellbeing of the company (i.e. sometimes, overtime is necessary to keep things a…
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'He claims [I] was "wasting two hours of everybody's time"': Manager won't speak to IT employee after being one-upped in front of clients

'He claims [I] was "wasting two hours of everybody's time"': Manager refuses to speak to IT employee after being embarrassed in front of clients

This employee didn't want to one-up their boss , but their hand was forced (by said boss). What's an employee to do? While working in IT at a small company , this guy was accustomed to working on different types of devices and operating systems. The employee was encouraged to bring their own device "as long as it got the job done." It's clear that their boss didn't understand what they did, though, after he made some questionable decisions. It's one thing if you and your boss don't get along at…
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workplace discussion testimonies workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace work company culture PTO health benefits workers grind vacation - 24735237

'It made me realize I have been living this shell of a life, almost like a zombie': Employee's month-long vacation has surprising health benefits, sparks internet discussion on workplace culture

Everyone deserves a month-long vacation, but the reality is that many of us feel trapped in the daily grind of work, unable to imagine taking such a lengthy break. Not everyone has the privilege of being able to step away from work for an extended period, whether due to lack of PTO, financial woes, or other family obligations. However, taking a proper break from work can offer invaluable clarity for one's mental health. And these employees have powerful testimonies to prove it.
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'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

One retail worker inspired us all with the way they got back at the company that was going to fire them. There's a reason most companies fire people in the most private way possible. Usually, the person will be called into a meeting with HR at a time when few employees are around. After HR breaks the news, the person might have to sign a few papers, but their desk will be cleared out for them and they'll be escorted out the door. I mean, that's the professional and careful way to do things, but…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24653829

'This is my supervillain origin story': Boss tries to tell worker that their demotion is a good thing, they leave and sabotage the company

Oftentimes in life, we will try and soften the effect that our words will have on the chosen recipient through careful wording and euphemisms, hoping that in beating around the bush enough we'll still manage to get our point across but in a way that doesn't upset the target party. Of course, usually, if the person you're speaking to is getting the point and the point is something that they should be upset about, they're just going to get upset anyway. This renders the entire thing to be a rathe…
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