
'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35311365

Employee told to stand by for reassignment, does for 19 months until they run into their boss who asks them where they're working now: 'You should have seen her face'

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Please select why you were away from your computer'

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Someone somewhere is watching idle time carefully'

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer