

'‘I literally did everything that was written on the rules’: Postal worker gets petty revenge on boss who keeps disciplining them

'I literally did everything that was written on the rules': Postal worker gets petty revenge on boss who keeps disciplining them

Would it surprise you to learn that the postal workers of the world are inclined to throw the packages around? If you’ve ever ordered something by mail, like literally even once, chances are you’ve gotten a package with some bent corners and scraped-up sides. Most companies do a pretty good job packing the products so that they can still get to you intact. They have to, because a lot of employees will sling those boxes around like they’re not full of precious cargo. If you did that job, though,…
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs manager job malicious compliance work toxic-boss managers workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25951237

Boss makes team work extra weekend shift, Data Analyst makes sure he's there: 'You also need to be there for the sign-off'

One of the most respected ways to lead is from the front. Of course, you may be the first one to catch an arrow or a spear to the throat—dooming everyone who was relying on your command and is now floundering, leaderless. But, if you pull it off and make it through the battle unscathed you can sure as heck bet that the troops will love you far more than they would had you been in your command tent at the back of the field. The difference here and the limitation of this anecdote is that there ar…
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'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

Some managers make such ridiculous demands that one has to wonder if they are trying to make their employees quit. Sometimes, that is the case, and other times, it's just that these managers have egos and enjoy engaging in power dynamics. If this description fits your manager, our advice would be to get out while you still can. Here, we have a barista whose manager would insist on having a coffee made for her at the end of every shift after everything in the store had been cleaned up and finish…
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'Double malicious compliance': Two supervisors tell airport valet not to listen to each other

'Double malicious compliance': Two supervisors tell airport valet not to listen to each other

This guy's bosses are both on a power trip . Perhaps there was a feud going on behind the scenes, but the employees would have had no idea about it. Working at as an airport valet could be a stressful job at times. Just imagine how many people pull up to the valet parking, grab their luggage, throw their keys to the valet, and start sprinting to their terminal! Other people probably drive around for ages trying to find the right place to park, and are frustrated by the time they get to the vale…
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Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

Friendly reminder to get your PTO confirmed before getting non-refundable flights! This employee's girlfriend learned that the hard way. People in the comments section were a bit tough on her for putting pressure on her boyfriend to make his boss refund every penny of their planned vacation after the boss denied the employee's PTO request. Still, we have reserved at least some sympathy for her. It's not like this employee wasn't entitled to that time, and while he wants to advance his career, h…
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'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

You are accountable for your child. Stated simply, you will be liable for the cost of replacing any products that your child breaks while you are shopping. Given this perspective, what would you do, therefore, if two well-to-do parents allowed their child to run wild and then declined to pay for the hundreds of dollars in damages? The story below is an account of a frustrated pet store employee. The original poster (OP) worked at the pet store for an extended period of time. Everything went wel…
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'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

It's always important to stand your ground when your employer has not honored their end of your contract. It can be easy in work dynamics to forget the fact that your contract is a two-way negotiation and you have rights no matter who is in charge. This former worker had the “audacity” to ask for her final paycheck two months after her toxic, disorganized boss fired her. After a period of radio silence, this Redditor finally decided to go off email and send a direct text message to her ex-boss…
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‘Customers like you pay extra’: Hair salon owner chargers demanding woman double after she arrived four hours late to her appointment and complained about the service

‘Customers like you pay extra’: Hair salon owner chargers demanding woman double after she arrived four hours late to her appointment and complained about the service

Some people think and act like the world revolves around them, and something must be done to get them off the pedestal they have put themselves on. Just because you act like you are better than everyone else, does not mean you actually are. The Karen in this Reddit story has a main character syndrome that should seriously be addressed, because how she acted in a hair salon was simply unacceptable. OP (original poster) was getting her hair done when a woman walked into the salon, 4 hours late to…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses demotion employment in the workplace - 25861893

IT worker told to take a demotion

Being faced with the brutal decision of whether or not you'll take a demotion or be fired is not easy and it's an even harder choice to make. It would be easy to just want to up and walk away rather than face the humiliation demotion. But, unless you're in a secure financial position and have a lot of connections in your industry, you'll probably want to consider taking the demotion while you quietly go about looking for another job. After all, there's no better time to look for a job than when…
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'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

This office's "cookie wizard" is having their week ruined by a coworker.
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Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

If an employee quits after poor treatment and is then tasked with returning something, do not expect that item to be returned in pristine condition. This worker had gone through a whole ordeal with her employer after multiple coworkers were let go due to a shortage of hours (yet somehow, they were still always hiring new employees… talk about messy and disorganized!). One week, this employee was taken off multiple shifts and given forced days off with absolutely no advanced warning. She wound u…
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management boss workplace-stories employee fired hr manager job work coworkers Office human resources workplace bad bosses - 25873669

Boss gets fired, blames employees and bombards coworkers' phones with accusatory messages: 'He called me 28 times in the span of an hour'

When a coworker gets fired, it can come as a complete shock, especially if that coworker is your boss who seems like they are untouchable. In this next story, one supervisor showed up to work only to find an unexpected HR employee in the meeting room. Most employees know that if HR is ever unexpectedly called into a meeting, it's never a good sign. Well, come to find out, the employee's boss was fired, effective immediately. This didn't come as much of a surprise since there was multiple inv...
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs job malicious compliance work managers workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25845509

Employee uses their manager's own incompetence to end their career: 'My show of assertion crumbled the empire of fear'

Micromanagers usually come in two shapes; the first is a recently promoted technical worker with a deep understanding of the work but with poor interpersonal skills and a deep drive for perfectionism who can't bear to let go of the fact they're no longer doing the work themselves anymore, they cling to their methods depriving their workers of agency and limiting their ability to produce. The second is an externally hired career manager who has no understanding of the actual work and compensates…
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‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

The patience that front desk employees possess is truly admirable and is definitely not talked about enough. They have to deal with an unbelievable amount of people who simply cannot understand the smallest of things, and overlook everything for their own benefit, and they do that on a daily basis. I tried being a front desk employee in a local hotel in my town, and I managed to do it for about a month. I just couldn't handle the guests' endless complaints and demands, and after a month of non-…
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‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

In life, only you can control how you spend your money. It’s one of the best and worst parts of adulthood! You get that fresh paycheck in your bank account, and it feels like the world is your oyster. Time to treat the besties to brunch, or have an extended shopping spree over a weekend. But once that money is gone, you get that pit in your stomach that makes you realize you have bills to pay still…Oops! Everyone has a different approach to their finances. Some people save every penny, and save…
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'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

This boss underestimated his employee , and the employee is not complaining. What would you do if your job suddenly told you that you don't have to do work anymore ? You just come into work one day and your boss informs you that even though you aren't fired, you won't have to send another email or attend another long meeting. At first, most of us would be momentarily thrilled. You could spend your days sitting around playing games on your computer or reading a book. But after a little while of…
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