

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 26037765

Employer accidentally messages "difficult" candidate their plans to hire them and let them go: 'It might be in your best interest to take your candidates off the email chains in the future'

There are always going to be certain things that are best off communicated to only their intended audience. For example, you'd probably hate to accidentally send your parents a text detailing your weekend plans with your friends or other intimate details about another personal relationship. No matter what age you are or how close you are to your parents, certain things are better off left undisclosed. The same goes for an employee-employer relationship. Professional decorum relies on certain th…
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Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Calling your employees by their preferred name seems like the bare minimum regarding proper workplace treatment. It doesn't really get more disrespectful than ignoring someone's constant corrections. This Redditor's name ends with an -a but is constantly referred to by a similar-sounding name that ends with an -e. If this were perhaps their first few weeks on the job, then the mistakes would be understandable. But there's really no excuse for the mixups at this point, especially when the Origin…
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Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

This woman found out the hard way that she got what she paid for. She just didn't know that she was paying for something in the first place! U/OneGlassOne had an excellent tale of malicious compliance to share. They and their coworker work in a line of business that deals with commercial imports. They write that people need to fill out lots of paperwork when importing items into the country, probably in a similar way to declaring your valuables at the airport. This woman told the original poste…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs job malicious compliance work managers workplace artificial intelligence workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26041605

Middle manager proposes to company owner replacing staff with AI, gets replaced himself: 'I have took his suggestions to heart and decided to automate his role'

It's hard to escape the conversation surrounding AI and the growing likelihood that we may soon find our jobs replaced by it. Yet, while some have attempted it, most seem to be falling short of success. While AI is proven to be effective at handling superfluous and repetitive work, it doesn't yet understand the subtlety and nuance of specific tasks, often lacking necessary details or fabricating information and then confidently reporting it as fact. So, at the very least, even where there is ef…
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‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

How can a new hire identify that they are boarding a sinking ship? Usually, employers are very careful when they are in the process of hiring someone new, so as not to let them see the true colors of the company, and hide everything that might deter the candidate from the job. So how can someone know that the shiny new job they are after might not be so shiny after all? I wish I could have a straightforward answer, but the truth is, many people end up accepting that new job and only start to se…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance retail work customers karen-customers customer entitled customers workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25895685

'You want to put how much concrete in your Civic?': Customer insists on loading 1000 lbs. of concrete into the back of their small car despite employee's warnings

"The customer is always right" is an attitude that is purveyed throughout customer service... People will love to remind you at this point that one full attribution of the original quote is also reported as being “The customer is always right in matters of taste” meaning that or that customer service representatives should seek “to satisfy the customer regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong.” Both lend to the idea that the customer is not necessarily right about all things, just a…
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‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

We can't control everything in life, as much as we all like to try. We can do as much in our power to control who are the people we surround ourselves with, what we do for a living, what we do to help others, and more. But there are always going to be things that happen to us that we do not expect, and do not want. The Reddit story down below is a reminder of all that, and it is the perfect example of the balance between the choices we make and the things that we cannot control. The employee in…
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Karen boss won't let salaried employee use the break room because he's not an hourly worker: 'I can't get water or coffee now'

Karen boss won't let salaried employee use the break room because he's not an hourly worker: 'I can't get water or coffee now'

Imagine not being allowed to grab water or coffee during your work break because for some inexplicable reason, it “confuses” people. This salaried employee was told by his Karen boss that hourly workers began to notice his trips to the break room and were asking questions about the frequency with which he must be clocking in and out. Rather than the boss informing these folks that he's a salaried employee and doesn't have to clock in and out to grab a coffee in the break room, she asked this Re…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion hr job work workplace Horrible Bosses business employment in the workplace - 26056965

Employee asks about moving heavy boxes to a safer place, employer deflects by writing them up for dress code violation

Unless the issues being raised are completely out of left field and hold no water, an organization should always treat them seriously. Even purely as a means of covering themselves from any legal or operational vulnerabilities. Being dismissive or even retaliatory against a complainant might make the headache or “problem” of them calling attention to it go away, but there's a good chance that their fears coming to fruition and the ensuing grievance will be much more of a headache than dealing w…
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Employee keeps running list of problematic quotes to bring up in exit interview: 'If you're able to crawl to your desk, you should be at work'

Employee keeps running list of problematic quotes to bring up in exit interview: 'If you're able to crawl to your desk, you should be at work'

Some people dread the idea of an exit interview, but this employee has been waiting for this moment for months. Ever since she realized she was stuck in a toxic work environment, she started to keep a running list of all the problematic moments so she had her receipts. This not only made the day-to-day slightly more bearable, but the list would also protect her from any trouble since she had literally all the dirt on her boss. This thread was posted to Reddit by kerripotter , and it sparked a t…
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Demanding guest gets banned from hotel after messing with the front desk clerk over a credit card mix-up

Demanding guest gets banned from hotel after messing with the front desk clerk over a credit card mix-up

Customer service is never an easy task. It's even more difficult when you have to fulfill your responsibilities as a customer service representative while a guy is trying to win over his girlfriend. If you are familiar with what I mean, I apologize for the experience you had to endure; if not, consider yourself fortunate. The story below is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality industry. The job has challenges,…
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20+ times bosses caught their employees breaking the rules: 'Employees honestly think I don't notice when they're ASLEEP!'

20+ times bosses caught their employees breaking the rules: 'Employees honestly think I don't notice when they're ASLEEP!'

No employee can be “on” all the time. Everyone needs a break during the work day to recharge, zone out, and center
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'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

Finding the perfect job is almost an impossible task, but we all go on this impossible pursuit to find the most perfect place of work. For one to actually have the perfect job, there is probably a long list of criteria that the job has to have for it to be the exact right fit - it could depend on location, salary, coworkers, managers, job title, and yes, even the job itself. A place that ticks all of these criteria and probably a lot more is hard to come by… That is why when it comes to a workp…
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‘You’re obviously not the right person for the job': Hiring manager demands job candidate leave interview after they ask manager for contact information of former employees

‘You’re obviously not the right person for the job': Hiring manager demands job candidate leave interview after they ask manager for contact information of former employees

The line between being a smart and impressive job candidate and being perceived as an entitled person who is hard to work with is very blurred. As a job candidate, you are expected to ask the right questions at the right time, and anything other than that can ruin your chances of securing the job, something that unfortunately happens to a lot of people. When I read the Reddit story down below, I initially didn't think that the questions the job candidate was asking HR were inappropriate and eve…
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patient hilarious worker workplace-stories employee work stories hospital doctor workplace-discussion medical workplace healthcare funny employment wild - 25982213

'Please do not superglue your tooth back in your mouth again': 20+ Healthcare workers share their wildest patient stories

When working in healthcare, you see people from all walks of life. From insanely rich folk to the homeless, medical mysteries to hypochondriacs, you never know what another day at the office will hold for you. Luckily for us, these doctors shared their wildest stories about patients who had such little common sense, they were surprised they survived this long. Sure, most of us don't know a lot when it comes to the medical field, but there are some basics we should know, like no, you cannot su...
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New boss enforces unnecessary rules about submitting expenses, team maliciously complies: 'OK boss, you'll get your paperwork in spades'

New boss enforces unnecessary rules about submitting expenses, team maliciously complies: 'OK boss, you'll get your paperwork in spades'

Whatever happened to “if it ain't broke, don't fix it?” If you're ever in a position where you are joining a company and leading a team that already is.a well-run machine, consider not enforcing your personal way of doing things onto everyone else. Unless the team genuinely agrees with your ideas to change the process, the only person who is really benefitting from this change is you. That is not a good enough reason to uphold the way a team does things. You have to adjust to their rhythm just…
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