

opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers i quit askreddit quit satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace quitting story funny quitting - 26110469

'I stood up, said I refuse to be talked to like that, and left': 20+ Moments people quit their jobs on the spot

Enough is enough! A person can only put up with so much nonsense from their job before they throw their hands up and quit. No one knows that better than the 7,000+ people who shared their “F*** this, I quit!” stories to r/AskReddit.
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Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

The price of attending a concert has skyrocketed in recent years so much so that it turned what used to be a relatable experience into an exclusive event. It can be extremely disappointing for fans to passionately wait for the opportunity to go see their favorite artist live, only to be met with ticket prices that could rival a plane ticket to the other side of the world. For many young adults these days, that favorite artist is Taylor Swift, much like the writer of this Reddit story. OP (origi…
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‘We aren’t moving forward with you’: Job applicant rejected after four rounds of interviews and unpaid free labor

‘We aren’t moving forward with you’: Job applicant rejected after four rounds of interviews and unpaid free labor

The amount of work required of job applicants these days is starting to get out of hand. First, there’s the expectation that your resume needs to be adjusted and tailored specifically to the job for which you are applying. Why do applicants need to do this? No, it’s not to stand out and to prove that you’re the right person for the job. It’s to include specific phrases from the online job description in your personal resume in order to pass automatic job screenings. Of course, this requires mor…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26128645

Boss sets strict dress code that they themselves are in violation, employee calls them out: 'My boss never came to me about [the] dress code after that'

When you're in charge, it's pretty important that you follow your own rules, drinking the Kool-Aid that you've set out for everyone else to drink. Anything else would be hypocritical at best, causing dissension and demotivating those you're supposed to be leading and generally just setting a bad example. Conversely, being consistent and fair in your leadership helps foster a culture of accountability; by holding yourself to the same standards you've set for everyone else, you demonstrate the in…
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Hiring manager asks job candidate if they can work six months before getting paid: 'The questions on these applications are wild'

Hiring manager asks job candidate if they can work six months before getting paid: 'The questions on these applications are wild'

Everyone get ready to wave your red flags because this hiring manager's application questions are pretty eyebrow-raising. If there is one thing this recruiter managed to do correctly, it's that he was at the very least transparent about how messed up the payment plan for this position was. However, that's as positive as one can be towards this guy after the ridiculous question he posed on this job application for a financial advisor position. Sometimes, when you're applying for jobs, certain de…
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‘This was a setup’: Lawyer gets fired from her job after a hiring manager contacts her current boss and tells them she is looking for another job

‘This was a setup’: Lawyer gets fired from her job after a hiring manager contacts her current boss and tells them she is looking for another job

The hiring process is always a long and exhausting process for the job candidates. The many steps they have to pass in order to actually get a job is a full-time job in itself, and more often than not people are met with disappointment rather than an actual offer. One step in the hiring process that was never clear to me is when hiring managers ask the candidates for references and call their former employers. I highly doubt that the information they get is beneficial, and it just creates more…
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'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

Who else loves when someone tries to punish you for their lack of a strong work ethic? This executive assistant did their fair share of work on a project before their planned vacation. In fact, they did not even have to pull all the files they did since it was not even their assignment, but they helped a few coworkers out of common courtesy. Still, just a day before their vacation was finally about to start, their coworker tried to convince them to cancel their day off because she found herself…
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Coworker gets fired after calling in sick to audition for The Bachelor: 'Don't ever do anything that would embarrass [our] image'

Coworker gets fired after calling in sick to audition for The Bachelor: 'Don't ever do anything that would embarrass [our] image'

Every employee is entitled to use their set number of sick days for whatever reason they see fit, even if that reason is to audition for a very popular reality TV show. Sure, this is not exactly a morally justifiable excuse for calling in sick, but it is an iconic excuse. This employee recounted how their coworker not only called in sick to audition for The Bachelor but also how she didn't exactly cover it up very well. Their president's one big rule at the company was never to embarrass the or…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses leave summer vacation employment vacation in the workplace - 25895941

Manager cancels employee's leave while they're already away on vacation: 'I'm [canceling] your vacation'

Taking time off work is probably just as important as the work itself. Being able to step away, take a break, and come back with a new perspective will likely benefit your work—besides, you've earned it. Although, of course, what you'll often find happens is that the freedom and relaxation your vacation offers you makes returning to work even more difficult than it already is on a normal Monday. Being denied the chance to take leave can mean missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, fami…
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'Success is my revenge': Grocery store free sampler gets back at their grumpiest coworker

'Success is my revenge': Grocery store free sampler gets back at their grumpiest coworker

You'd think being the grocery store employee who hands out free samples of food would be a pretty sweet job. No retail job is safe from the crazy customers of the world. But there are few things more universally adored than free food. If you go to certain grocery stores on weekends or at certain hours, some provide free samples all over the store. You can walk between the aisles and sample what are usually the weirdest foods you can think of. I've sampled a strange brownie-flavored dessert humm…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs manager job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25929221

Bookshop worker does their best to follow orders after supervisor demands they remain in a single section: 'Sorry, I'm busy'

Oftentimes in our lives, a weary, exasperated manager with sagging eyes will give us an order, desperate for us to follow it without asking questions. Depending on the dynamic of our relationship with that manager and the nature of the request, we might be more than happy to follow their direction—or we may, instead, choose to follow the literal meaning of that direction but not necessarily the intended purpose of the direction. This “malicious compliance” to their request will help balance the…
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'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation: One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation': One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

One employee's bad habit was starting to impact everyone at the company. There are two types of workplaces: the kind that punish you severely for being even a minute late , and the kind where people routinely stroll in 20 minutes late without a care in the world. Lots of places that are strict about tardiness are retail places or other places that do shift work. Meanwhile, lots of offices allow their salaried employees to come and go as they please, so long as they're getting their work done. W…
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'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

Don't you just love it when the new manager makes things exponentially worse for everyone else? It's a common mistake that these horrible bosses tend to make. They come in and immediately feel like they know a better solution to the current system. Without properly hearing out all the employees' voices, they decide it would be more impressive to flex their muscles and insist that their solution is the proper one. Well, time and time again when this happens, the new manager stumbles. Either the…
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‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

Are you familiar with the saying 'This could have been an email'? For those of you who don't, this saying refers to times when employees are asked to attend a meeting that could have definitely been avoided by simply sending an email about the topic. Well, as much as that saying can be true on some occasions, the amount of useless emails people get from their colleagues is unreal sometimes, and we could all agree that answering them can be the most annoying part of the work day. This brings up…
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'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

Workers often leave their companies for better opportunities not because of the company itself, but because of bad management . The management structure of a business has a lot to do with an employee's day-to-day life. Some people have bosses who are micromanagers who want to hold their employees accountable for every minute of the day. With your boss breathing down your neck 40 hours each week while you're trying to write your emails and do your tasks, it's easy to get sick of the scrutiny. Ot…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance machinist work engineering workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace working in trades tradesman - 26102533

Know-it-all engineer asks machinist to fabricate a technically impossible part: 'The machinist was to machine a 12-inch part down to just over 13 inches shorter than it started'

Time, in a sense, is a resource that we spend doing different things, which is why when we talk about “spending time” on something, there's a literal sense to it. Through the sheer course of its slow march, the way we spend our time through the things we do, the things we think about, and the way we prioritize our responsibilities and personal interests goes on to shape who we become, what we know and what skills we possess. It might be a facile generalization, but for those familiar, I like to…
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