

Employee requests three days off, boss demands doctor's note, doctor gets him six weeks off: 'They did not look pleased'

Employee requests three days off, boss demands doctor's note, doctor gets him six weeks off: 'They did not look pleased'

Trying to mess with an employee's time off is a risky game. These bosses claimed that they understood when their employee requested to have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off because of extreme burnout. Not only did these two supervisors deny the request, but also they tried to get this guy to cover an extra shift. It was as if the entire burnout conversation went in one ear and out the other, as if it did not matter. When the Redditor tried to reason with his supervisors, he had mentioned his…
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Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

This worker got a little taste of power and went completely overboard. While some workplaces have clearly defined roles for every employee , a lot of places ask employees to wear many different hats. So, much like u/Jenny8765309, there's no way to politely say, “That's not my job,” when someone asks you to do something that's most definitely not your responsibility. It's even harder when the person who's constantly asking for favors is in a position of power over you. This worker shared the sto…
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‘You need to fire our boss’: Employee confronts CEO regarding micromanagement after it causes 10 employees to quit their jobs on the spot

‘You need to fire our boss’: Employee confronts CEO regarding micromanagement after it causes 10 employees to quit their jobs on the spot

Would the world be a better place if we all simply said what is on our minds without worrying about the repercussions? The truthful answer is that probably not, but we all sure would love to have the opportunity to speak up on matters that we usually stay silent about. For instance, how we truly feel about our employers and the way they treat their employees. When an employee decides to quit their job, however, they get the rare opportunity to tell their managers how they really feel about them…
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Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Never underestimate the impact of a diligent but disgruntled worker. Having said that, what would you do if, after working hard for a few hours, the person tasked with paying your bills came back and made a crude comment about how bad your job was and how you didn't even deserve the minimum wage? The following story tells the tale of a resentful painter. The original poster (OP) claims that he exacted revenge on a client in the 1990s who didn't appreciate his commitment to excellence or the ext…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25929477

Worker forced to return to the office despite doing all their calls on zoom in the office anyways

When you actually like the place you work and can tolerate the people you work with, it's easy to reason that going into an office once in a while might present some benefit. But if you're being forced to go into an office where no one talks to each other (except under duress) just to do all of your work alone in an isolated room and all your meetings over Zoom anyway… It's easy to scratch your head and wonder what the point of all this really is. This worker shared how their employer made the…
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childcare workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance nanny workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26161413

Karen family cheats nanny out of $12.50, nanny charges them hundreds in unpaid hours: 'I was furious'

Good childcare is hard to find… and it doesn't come cheap. It's reached the point where many families are now weighing up the costs of childcare and finding that it actually doesn't make sense for one spouse to work when their entire salary is going to the childcare costs incurred by their absence. Even for families that can afford it, filling the gaps between childcare providers is particularly challenging, creating a mess of busy schedules and further complicating workplace obligations. For t…
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boss tantrum workplace-stories jobs tantrums job bosses work coworkers Meltdown workplace - 26160389

'My coworkers have talked about "the cabinet incident"': 20+ Workers who had memorable meltdowns

Deep breaths everyone, deep breaths. Sometimes that's all you can do when The Circumstances happen to you in the workplace. The higher your stress level is at work, the sooner you'll snap, as these ex-employees know all too well. On the r/AskReddit subreddit, u/Flaxmoore was curious about the “most legendary work meltdown” people had ever witnessed. There were more than 7,000 responses with stories from numerous different industries. There were a fair amount of stories from the call center sect…
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Piano technician maliciously complies with overbearing boss's demand for punctuality: 'If you can't be on time, then don't!'

Piano technician maliciously complies with overbearing boss's demand for punctuality: 'If you can't be on time, then don't!'

Let this serve as our weekly reminder that bosses should be careful with their choice of words. Here, we have an employer who got increasingly frustrated with a piano technician for being under five minutes late on more than one occasion. Under five minutes should be considered negligible, but if an employer really feels that a conversation is necessary, there is a much better way of having it than what this dude ended up doing. He used vaguely threatening phrasing that almost begged to be chal…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 25203205

Insane hiring manager rejects candidate for accepting a cup of coffee that was offered to her: 'She accepted a cup of coffee which is just really tacky'

Hiring—especially in the way it's usually conducted—is not an exact science. There's a whole lot of speculation and social shadowboxing going on with elaborately constructed facades masking true personalities in order to seem more put together and desirable according to the bizarre decorum of the entire process. The entire thing is based more on “vibes” than any concrete Superstition seems to reign on both sides of the interview table, with everyone having their own tricks. Even the most well-i…
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'This is not working out': Guy gets fired for not having work to do for the last five minutes of his shift

'This is not working out': Guy gets fired for not having work to do for the last five minutes of his shift

Getting all your work done early should be rewarded, not chastised. However, in the professional working world, there's a reason why people always say one should never get too good at one's job. Otherwise, you will start getting more responsibilities and often without further compensation unless you fight for it. It turns out that efficiency and productivity are only encouraged to a certain degree. This employee learned that the hard way when they were fired on the spot for reportedly “standing…
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‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

Finding money on the street might be one of the best feelings to ever exist in human history. No matter who you are and where you are from, there is no beating that lucky feeling of finding something that could improve your life even just by a small percentage, even just by buying yourself a cup of coffee. Of course, what I mean by ‘finding money on the street’ only applies to situations in which the money you found is unclaimed and has no way of being returned to the owner, much like what happ…
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Boss refuses to accept employee’s resignation, accuses him of sabotaging the company: ‘No one in any position of power above you is your friend’

Boss refuses to accept employee’s resignation, accuses him of sabotaging the company: ‘No one in any position of power above you is your friend’

No matter how kind your employer is… do not mistake them for your close friend. Perhaps you’ve created a rapport together over the years. Perhaps you two have hung out outside of work and shared details about your personal lives with one another. Still, there is a hierarchy in place, and when push comes to shove, your boss will enforce that sense of hierarchy when it suits them. When this Redditor shared with his boss that he would be resigning, he prepared both an official letter of resignatio…
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‘I am allowed to discuss wages’: Employee gets fired via email after she discusses her salary with coworkers, she uses the email in court as proof of HR's illegal actions

‘I am allowed to discuss wages’: Employee gets fired via email after she discusses her salary with coworkers, she uses the email in court as proof of HR's illegal actions

It seems like many companies and businesses have failed to understand that trying to micromanage and over-control their employees is not going to help their businesses prosper. Quite the contrary actually – if the employees are unhappy, and feel like they are being observed with every step they take, nothing good will come out of it. No matter how much employers try to make employees believe otherwise – they need their employees just as much as employees need them. That is the thought process t…
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opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers i quit askreddit quit satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace quitting story funny quitting - 26110469

'I stood up, said I refuse to be talked to like that, and left': 20+ Moments people quit their jobs on the spot

Enough is enough! A person can only put up with so much nonsense from their job before they throw their hands up and quit. No one knows that better than the 7,000+ people who shared their “F*** this, I quit!” stories to r/AskReddit.
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Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

The price of attending a concert has skyrocketed in recent years so much so that it turned what used to be a relatable experience into an exclusive event. It can be extremely disappointing for fans to passionately wait for the opportunity to go see their favorite artist live, only to be met with ticket prices that could rival a plane ticket to the other side of the world. For many young adults these days, that favorite artist is Taylor Swift, much like the writer of this Reddit story. OP (origi…
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‘We aren’t moving forward with you’: Job applicant rejected after four rounds of interviews and unpaid free labor

‘We aren’t moving forward with you’: Job applicant rejected after four rounds of interviews and unpaid free labor

The amount of work required of job applicants these days is starting to get out of hand. First, there’s the expectation that your resume needs to be adjusted and tailored specifically to the job for which you are applying. Why do applicants need to do this? No, it’s not to stand out and to prove that you’re the right person for the job. It’s to include specific phrases from the online job description in your personal resume in order to pass automatic job screenings. Of course, this requires mor…
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