

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Imagine being infuriated by a mystery person for years only to discover that this mystery person is also your boss. It's a bizarre coincidence that is both surprising and unsurprising, in this case, given this dude's temperament and behavior at work. Before we get into the employee's revenge, some backstory is necessary first. When the Redditor got their new phone, they immediately started getting a barrage of calls and messages from the phone's previous owner, who lived in the same town. He en…
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Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key , who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacemen…
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Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Jobs in customer service are never simple. Yet the task is made even harder when a client is trying to take advantage of you in order to earn a fast profit. An employee of customer service recounts his frustrations in the story below. The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality sector. Therefore, he acquired the ability to interact with an extensive selection of people. But after a particularly entitled customer sought a free supper for the third time in a row,…
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'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

Giving your overworked employees even more work: what could possibly go wrong? This person, u/TheMightyGalah, found out exactly what happens, but they were glad to watch their boss get her comeuppance. Good managers will be beloved by their team. You can tell when someone's an exceptional supervisor by the way their team talks about them: do they dread that manager seeing their work and results, or do they look to the manager for support and help? Some managers don't really manage much at all.…
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'Back part of the car is missing': Insurance experts begin wildly overstating car accident damages at their boss's demand

'Back part of the car is missing': Insurance experts begin wildly overstating car accident damages at their boss's demand

These workers had a fun “moment of brilliance” while still following their boss's directions.
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'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

Getting unjustly fired has never felt so good. Here, we have a fast food employee who saw a half-finished soda can and asked everyone working, including his manager, if it belonged to anyone before he tossed it in the trash before the end of his shift. Apparently, his direct manager was not paying attention because he was too busy talking on the phone with his girlfriend while on the clock. So, when he was done with his personal call, he went looking for his soda only to learn that it had been…
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After their boss gets fired, employee is left to manage department alone, leading to a dispute with a demanding coworker: 'I have too much on my plate'

After their boss gets fired, employee is left to manage department alone, leading to a dispute with a demanding coworker: 'I have too much on my plate'

What do you think would happen to your workplace if your manager was fired out of the blue? Are there people in your office that you know would be ready to take over, or do you think your company would dissolve into chaos? For most companies, there must be a few people who can take over a manager's daily tasks in case they unexpectedly leave. But the real challenging duty that must be taken over is usually the actual management job, and managing other people within the company. With the lack of…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 36013317

Boss shows up in new Cybertruck before announcing no one is getting paid: 'He [made] us all go outside into the parking lot'

When you owe someone money, nothing is going to go over like a lead balloon, quite like showing up with something new and shiny to show off. You probably even did it at least once to your parents as a kid when they gave you money for lunch, and you went out and bought Pokemon cards instead. You know the type, that friend who you loaned 100 dollars to for rent, yet they still somehow have new clothes every time you see them. Your roommate who borrowed money for groceries but always seems to have…
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'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

Why do some bosses think that wearing a suit in exceptionally hot weather is a sign of professionalism? The reality is it is nothing more than a silly rule that makes employees look and feel miserable. What about employees who have to walk to work or who come into an environment with poor air conditioning? They are going to sweat like crazy and ultimately will come across as anything but put-together and professional. Let this story serve as yet another argument for employers to focus less on h…
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employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

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'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

Have you ever been involved in a workplace prank? One prank is fun, and it can really liven up the workplace and boost morale. That often leads to Up next, an assembly line worker who came in two minutes late to work got an earful from their boss, so they finally stood up to their boss saying, “Nope, not my problem .”
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'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

'He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly': Managers share the most memorable ways employees got fired

Every manager has had a tricky situation with someone on their team. Sometimes, it's not the employee's fault, and we tend to side with employees here at FAIL Blog. However, every so often, an employee does something so out-of-line, so unprofessional, and so ridiculous that an immediate dismissal is pretty much non-negotiable. This compilation of bizarre firing stories ranges from harmless to shocking. We've got an employee who kept having to leave work early for bathroom drama, a new hire who…
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'I just laughed and said, "Nope, not my problem"': Assembly line worker stands up to boss who berates them for being seconds late to work

'I just laughed and said, "Nope, not my problem"': Assembly line worker stands up to boss who berates them for being seconds late to work

This person experienced what it's like to work with an unforgiving boss who absolutely must stick to the rules. Maybe you've had this type of boss before: they want you to give them 110% every day, but they also can't forgive any mistake, no matter how small. They treat every mistake as if it's the end of the world. You're two minutes late? Well, that boss will spend twenty minutes telling you how your poor work ethic is impacting you and your colleagues. This is the kind of boss who doesn't wa…
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'I noticed my pay getting shorter and shorter': Server exposes boss for putting a cap on his tips and trying to cover it up

'I noticed my pay getting shorter and shorter': Server exposes boss for putting a cap on his tips and trying to cover it up

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to be generous to your servers because you really do not know what shady behavior they have had to deal with on the job. Of course, this includes entitled customers and Karens who make their shifts a living nightmare by starting drama, sending food back and forth, and tipping poorly. However, it does not necessarily stop there. Every server has also encountered shady management at some point as well. In this case, we have a server who worked for a sma…
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Manager cancels company's social benefit to boost sales, employees foil plan and outmaneuver the managerial team

Manager cancels company's social benefit to boost sales, employees foil plan and outmaneuver the managerial team

The business world is calculated and vicious. Whether on purpose or not, there are always some who want to take advantage of your hardship and struggle. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. The social perks that the company provided, such as the number of vacation days that could be carried over to the following year, were among its most notable benefits. Every worker received a total of th…
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'Everyone finds out the trainee is actually incapable of doing the job': Boss insists employee stop blaming new hire for any mistakes, employee maliciously complies

'Everyone finds out the trainee is actually incapable of doing the job': Boss insists employee stop blaming new hire for any mistakes, employee maliciously complies

Training the new person requires an endless supply of patience. They're going to have lots of questions, make a ton of mistakes, and they'll take up a lot of the time that you've set aside to do your own work. It's also really rewarding to train a new person if they're learning at the right speed. But this person wasn't happy about their trainee. U/ForceAccomplished890 was training the person who was going to replace them! They knew that their boss really disliked them (never a good position to…
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