
 family drama boss aita workplace-stories remote work jobs job kids mother bosses work coworkers wife husband workplace family son Father

Mom forces husband to watch their 5 and 7-year-old kids during work hours to prove a point: 'He said I shouldn't be so petty and prideful'

 askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit human resources work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'I'm not allowed to talk about turtles anymore': 20+ Employees who had HR step in for the silliest reasons

'Just remember that in da clurrb, we all fam': Boss sends fake message to his team only to start layoffs the next day

'Just remember that in da clurrb, we all fam': Boss sends fake message to his team only to start layoffs the next day

New hire gets fired 10 minutes into their shift after boss claims they were ‘not being proactive’, coworker reveals it was not the first time this happened: ‘I was the 4th person they hired’

New hire gets fired 10 minutes into their shift after boss claims they were ‘not being proactive’, coworker reveals it was not the first time this happened: ‘I was the 4th person they hired’

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

After years of carrying the company on his back, employee reaches breaking point when his boss informs him he needs more ‘coaching’: ‘Do you even know how to do the work?’

employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee customer service customers karen-customer customer support karen-customers Retail talesfromretail tales-from-retail

'I am not allowed to do anything': Retail worker faces down angry parents after colleague sells parents the wrong computer for kid's gaming ambitions, prevented from helping them by silly company policy

‘There's nothing you can say to make me stay’: Employee resigns after constant mistreatment from boss, only to receive an email in response demanding they change their mind

Employee refuses to respond to boss's email asking to reconsider their resignation, instead decides to air out everything they think about their boss: ‘[You] are useless’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

Boss contacts former employee asking for forgotten passwords, employee refuses to comply without being paid the $10,000 they were owed before leaving: ‘Pay me first’

Candidate gets rejected from a job they perfectly qualify for, they reapply with a new email account and immediately get moved up in the hiring process: ‘It was even the same recruiter’

Candidate gets rejected from a job they perfectly qualify for, they reapply with a new email account and immediately get moved up in the hiring process: ‘It was even the same recruiter’

'[I] asked for a 15k raise': Hybrid employee pressured to come into the office 5 days a week, employee refuses to give in without his promised promotion

'[I] asked for a 15k raise': Hybrid employee pressured to come into the office 5 days a week, employee refuses to give in without his promised promotion

Man refuses to hire employee because he ‘asked too many questions’ at their previous workplace, so employee returns the favor 9 months later and leaves man jobless

Man is left jobless when scorned ex-employee refuses to hire him after receiving the same treatment 9 months prior: ‘HE is now redundant’

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job quitting quit i quit

'Boss claims that me quitting will result in the business closing': Worker gives 2-week-notice after basically running the company they work for for their boss, prompting boss's total meltdown

employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job quitting quit i quit employee employees overworked-employees

'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit

 work workplace Jobs job workplace-stories hiring Facebook posts teenagers teens

'A masterclass in how not to get hired': 18-year-old writes unflattering pitch for themself on social media job page

25-year-old employee requests off to attend a funeral, micromanager demands for proof of the service: 'After this, I want to quit'

25-year-old employee requests off to attend a funeral, micromanager demands for proof of the service: 'After this, I want to quit'

 boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers quit interviews workplace quitting

'The manager [said], "You really want to burn this bridge?" I said, "Yes"': 20+ Employees who quit their jobs as fast as possible