

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 36580101

Employee walks out of performance review after being told they don't respond well to feedback, internet is divided: 'I was stunned…'

Giving honest feedback is tough, but the only thing harder is receiving it. Especially when the content or implications of that feedback catch us off guard, we might think we're doing everything right and are contributing far above our pay grade and described role, and yet, the visibility of our contributions may not be what we think it is… and we might have fallen afoul elsewhere within our supervisor's expectations. See, it all comes down to perception, which never quite matches up with the r…
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'If you take off unapproved time then we'll have to let you go': Manager approves then revokes employee's PTO due to family emergency, employee stands up to manager

'If you take off unapproved time then we'll have to let you go': Manager approves then revokes employee's PTO due to family emergency, employee stands up to manager

Managing a team is just as much about protecting your employees as it is about ensuring that they are following the rules. People seem to forget this all the time, as pressure from higher-ups can sometimes promote other ideas. Then, of course, there is the power of the big ego. Never underestimate a manager's ego guiding their form of leadership and disciplinary action. When ego governs a manager's decision-making skills, that manager is far less likely to take care of the people of their team.…
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work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees quitting quit i quit

Employee offered disappointing 5% raise, gets a new job paying 32% more and rejects employer's counter offer: 'Less than a month ago 5% was all they could do...'

Being told that there's absolutely no way you can or should possibly be paid more for your work when you've taken on the responsibilities of not one but two vacant levels of management above your actual role is disappointing for certain. It's almost more disappointing, though, when you get another job offer for 32% more than your current pay, and when you tell your employer the news, they're more than willing to give you the money you originally asked for and more. As always, in situations such…
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Bartender set up and unjustly fired by insecure manager, half the staff quits to retaliate

Bartender set up and unjustly fired by insecure manager, half the staff quits to retaliate

Talk about a manager who acted out of turn for no good reason. Here , we have a dude who was threatened by the fact that one of his bartenders at their pub helped bring in a ton of much-needed new staff members who were all his personal friends. Why was this problem? The manager was worried that they would all gossip behind his back and plan his demise. Sounds pretty paranoid and dramatic but that's exactly how this guy seemed to be wired. How did he act on his fears? Well, he decided the best…
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 rules opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories school funny stories work askreddit workplace funny opinions

'No Oreos in the library': 20+ Ridiculous rules that make no sense at all

They say that the rules are the rules for a reason. For every hyper-specific rule in place, you can bet that there's a person who irritated management into creating that requirement. Up next, these homeowners found the strangest things in their new homes, like one person who was stunned to find “an entire tribe of raccoons living in the attic .”
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Boss steals employee's idea and fires him, employee gets back at him years later: 'I [bought] out the company he works for and [demoted] him'

Boss steals employee's idea and fires him, employee gets back at him years later: 'I [bought] out the company he works for and [demoted] him'

People say success is about hard work and determination, but they could say the exact same thing about revenge. Here, we have a former employee whose ideas were quite literally stolen from their boss at the time. After getting fired, the former employee would go on to buy the company years later and demote the former employer who wronged him. It's the kind of workplace triumph one dreams of, so one can only feel a sense of second-hand fulfillment reading about this decade-spanning revenge plot.…
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 workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work malicious-compliance-reddit chef Travel workplace new york food eating dining malicious compliance reddit

'A lady from accounting called': Traveling worker spends $30-$40 per meal after accountant refuses to reimburse small expenses

While on a work trip to the Big Apple, this person decided to do some fancy dining on their workplace's dime. That's quite the perk if you can get it! The food in New York is truly incredible, as any visitor or resident of the city can tell you. You've got to try the pizza of course, but there are tons of sandwich shops and ice cream parlors and a dizzying array of other foods that are delectable. You really can't go wrong! This person was traveling to the city's Theater District , which is ful…
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‘You're not my boss, don't question me’: Micromanager accuses employee of undermining his authority after they ask for help, employee quits and walks out mid-shift in response

‘You're not my boss, don't question me’: Micromanager accuses employee of undermining his authority after they ask for help, employee quits and walks out mid-shift in response

‘You’re not the boss of me' is normally a sentence you would hear a child tell their parents or friends. You would not expect to hear this sentence in a workplace when a boss tells it to one of their employees. Yet, there are managers out in the world who behave like literal children in their workplace, and nobody bats an eye. They love their power, hate relinquishing control, and sometimes just bully their employees for fun. Take the boss in this Reddit story for example. OP (original poster)…
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workplace workplace-stories jobs revenge petty revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit revenge-stories malicious compliance Retail customer service customers customer customer support

Visitor refuses to clear entry with storage facility security, finds themself locked in and unable to leave: 'He had to wait until 4:30 AM to get out after my shift'

It's important to remember in any circumstances where you want to circumvent security and gain entrance to somewhere that you're going to need to get out as well… and the same thing applies when you're trying to get back into somewhere you've gotten out of. Anyone who ever snuck out as a teenager knows exactly how this goes: getting out is pretty easy, but getting back into your room in the wee hours of the morning without waking anyone is exceedingly more difficult. Mom, if you're reading this…
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'This has to stop': Manager tells team in group chain not to discuss wages, employee claps back with receipts

'This has to stop': Manager tells team in group chain not to discuss wages, employee claps back with receipts

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to always remember your rights as workers, people! Here, we have a manager who genuinely thought they were entitled to enforce rules against speaking up among your coworkers about wages. Luckily, this team had a brave individual among them who shut down this manager's nonsense by informing them directly, and in the very public group thread, regarding their right to share said information. Based on the manager's subsequent response, they were immediate…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 36664837

Boss repeatedly asks employee to work shifts while they're on leave to enjoy the birth of their first child, employee quits instead: 'How about I take a permanent vacation...'

“ Most employees don't quit their jobs....they quit their bosses!” This phrase has been bandied about in internet employment discussions for some time and remains steadfastly true. Any job—well, almost any job—is tolerable to a certain level just as long as you enjoy the people you're working with. Even the most grueling work at odd hours can be managed as long as you have solid, reliable leadership and coworkers whom you enjoy. In these types of workplace cultures, the work itself is almost se…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 36662021

Karen demands baker go to the butcher's shop next door to sell her some meat: 'I don't see why you can't just go and get it for me'

It's particularly perplexing how some people manage to survive in this world when they're living in such a peculiar version of it. Of course, you seem to encounter people like this all the time when you're working in retail or the service industry. I suppose it's a “monkeys with typewriters” type of situation; by sheer chance, if you meet enough people in a day, you're bound to bump into a few with unique understandings and perspectives of the world. Still, you'll continually be surprised by so…
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‘Always take your PTO’: Employee quits while having 100 hours of unused PTO, expects to receive payout in last paycheck, only to get paid $1 per hour

‘Always take your PTO’: Employee quits while having 100 hours of unused PTO, expects to receive payout in last paycheck, only to get paid $1 per hour

For some unknown reason, there are employees who do not feel the need to use all of their PTO. They are fine with their PTO just sitting there, not being used for what it is meant to do – give people a break. I am a firm believer that PTO is there to be used, and I don't think I ever let a year pass by in a company without using all of the time off I am entitled to. For one, because how can a person go through an entire year without taking time off? And second, because letting it just sit there…
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'I'm normally never this petty': Employee receives mediocre performance review, responds by keeping track of everything to prove her boss wrong

'I'm normally never this petty': Employee receives mediocre performance review, responds by keeping track of everything to prove her boss wrong

Everyone gets a little anxious before their next performance review at work. Even if you know you complete your responsibilities to the best of your ability, there is a part of you that fears you may not receive the validation you deserve. Here , we have an employee who not only received a poor review, but she was also largely blamed for improper management. Essentially, her boss claimed she never completed all of her tasks, even though said tasks were never clearly written out for her to execu…
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‘I have a big mouth’: Hardworking employee gets denied a raise so they inform boss of quiet quitting, only to get fired on the spot instead

‘I have a big mouth’: Hardworking employee gets denied a raise so they inform boss of quiet quitting, only to get fired on the spot instead

Having a conversation with your boss asking for a raise is something employees should seriously prepare for, and not take lightly. One should come with receipts and proof of all the hard work they've been putting into the company, while also providing data that supports their claim for more pay. The more prepared you are for this conversation, the higher your chances of actually getting what you are after. Even so, many employees get denied when asking for a raise, and then they have to decide…
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work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees

Business tries to pay employees in pizza for representing the company at local charity: 'Asked us to do paid charity work then changed it to unpaid at the last minute'

If workers aren't being paid for their time, the real charity is the business itself… Businesses love to “contribute” to charity almost as much as they love using pizza parties as a band-aid solution for morale. For one thing, it's a great look for the business after the marketing team gets its hands on the photos taken on the day and then makes a bunch of social media posts grossly exaggerating the company's involvement and contributions. Even more importantly, almost all expenses involved in…
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