

Employee faces unfair treatment when he is being singled out by his shift scheduler, leading him to find work elsewhere

Employee faces unfair reprimands made by disrespectful schedule manager, is informed that scheduler has ‘been trying since day one’ to get him fired

“Apparently, she tried to use me leaving early a lot as a reason that I should be fired, BUT SHE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS TELLING ME TO LEAVE EVERY DAY.”
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit cars Car vehicle Boss work workplace Jobs job bosses workplace-stories bad bosses manager managers

'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

Great managers empower their employees, while bad managers like this just try to bring them down a notch. It's a fact of life, and one that this person found out while they were still a teenager. This person worked as a technician at the automotive department of a chain store. At just 18 years old, they were relegated to some of the easier car tasks. That included things like “maintenance checks like wiper fluid and tire pressure, easy stuff,” u/MrTyroneTheCat explained. After you check out thi…
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workplace employment discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance Jobs employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses employment-discussion job

Employee waiting for over 2 months to have new tasks assigned to them by new boss as they maliciously comply to their boss's directive: 'I have nothing to do...'

Taking the initiative will get you far in most workplaces, even though it's technically your manager's job to make sure you have work to do. But the last thing any manager wants to do is chase staff around to make sure they're being productive, and anyone who has managed staff who never do anything they haven't been explicitly told to do knows how frustrating this can be. So, just them knowing that you're actively trying to get as much as possible done without their oversight will bring them so…
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'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action

'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that any boss who forbids their employees from discussing pay with one another is quite simply not entitled to enforce that policy. This hostess at a restaurant chain knew that instinctually after her manager reprimanded her for doing so. The hostess learned that she was getting paid less than her two coworkers for doing the same job. She brought this up to her general manager, who ultimately acquiesced and gave her a deserved pay raise. However, that…
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‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

Every unemployment period reaches its peak when an unemployed individual feels like they cannot let another day go by without them finding a job. Perhaps because of financial reasons, perhaps because they cannot stand another day at home, probably both. Either way, when one reaches that period of unemployment, they would do anything to simply find a job, and would probably accept a job no matter what. This means that they are willing to ignore a lot of red flags just so they would get to be emp…
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Entitled middle manager gets caught for excessive lateness when a night audit employee is wrongfully reprimanded for ‘excessive use of overtime’

Hotel employee is reprimanded by GM for ‘excessive use of overtime’ until documented punch times reveal that his middle manager was clocking in 1.5 hours late for every shift

"I explained to them that I was only staying on until the next crew relieved me and I had sufficient time to brief the incoming crew per the corporate policy [that] the hotel must be manned 24/7."
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New hire discovers mistake in contract that benefits hm, refuses to budge and adjust start time: 'My colleagues are all 8am until 5:30pm. My contract is for 9 to 5pm'

New hire discovers mistake in contract that benefits hm, refuses to budge and adjust start time: 'My colleagues are all 8am until 5:30pm. My contract is for 9 to 5pm'

If your employer failed to correct a mistake in your contract, that's their problem, not yours. This hire began his new position and realized that there was growing resentment from some of his new colleagues. Why, you may ask? As it turns out, everyone else in the office had to begin work at 8:00 am sharp, while the new guy was regularly waltzing in at 9:00 am. That's not because the new hire was always running late, as some of his coworkers likely suspected. He actually thought he was followin…
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Malicious executive is fired from company, attempts to block employee multiple times from being hired at new company and scrutinizes management as a result

Employee assists in the firing of malicious executive, now faces retaliation when the same executive tries to block employee from being hired at a different organization

"[He] is now scrutinizing my current management for them hiring me."
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Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

There are so many rules protecting the employer from employees doing whatever they want, but it is time to protest that there are not enough rules protecting employees from their employers. If an employee informs their employer of their time off, two months before it is due, there should absolutely be a rule prohibiting the employer from saying no. Employees should be allowed to use their time off whenever they want to, and if they bring it up a sufficient time in advance, employers should have…
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terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs hr job malicious compliance work coworkers human resources workplace coworker workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 36493061

HR Manager demands IT employee automate system to approve all requests, accidentally exposing sensitive data: 'That decision was automated away by your request'

Change is inevitable, no matter how we try to escape it or ignore it by burying our heads in the sand. The thing is, change is also pain, as whenever something new is to be learned, there is always going to be a process of failure and adaption and a loss of the comfortable and familiar, which is why people might try to avoid change in the first place. We can then conclude that, by associative properties “change is inevitable” and “change is pain” can just be simplified to “pain is inevitable”—b…
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Guy gets surgeon to write note requiring that he flies business class for all work trips for the next 18 months: 'Ended up costing them at least $20,000 extra'

Guy gets surgeon to write note requiring that he flies business class for all work trips for the next 18 months: 'Ended up costing them at least $20,000 extra'

Who else wants to get in line for a doctor's note from this surgeon? This employee had a serious spinal surgery and, during recovery, was asked to go on a business trip to Shanghai after the startup he worked for was acquired by a much bigger company. Well, the employee tried to explain that he could only go on a flight that long if he were seated in business class, but his new boss refused to believe him until he got a doctor's note. Well, the Redditor's surgeon was happy to oblige, and he eve…
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Boss gets rid of everyone's remote days but then keeps working from home himself: 'He always makes excuses'

Boss gets rid of everyone's remote days but then keeps working from home himself: 'He always makes excuses'

Whatever happened to practicing what you preach? This boss genuinely thought he could get rid of everyone's only work-from-home day each week, only to never abide by the rule himself. He always found an excuse to message his team at least once a week saying he had appointments or needed to stay home for his kids, blah blah blah. Look, we are sympathetic to the fact that people have life commitments and families to take care of during the week. That's why remote work can be beneficial for everyo…
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Company demands job applicant purchase their product as part of their assignment, applicant refuses, accusing the company of scamming: ‘I will not partake in this assessment’

Company demands job applicant purchase their product as part of their assignment, applicant refuses, accusing the company of scamming: ‘I will not partake in this assessment’

Finding a new job is an annoyingly scrutinizing process, and the biggest pain in the whole ordeal is probably the assignments companies tend to give their applicants. While they are a necessity, as they can supply a workplace with a rather good idea of their candidates' abilities, they are a lot of work for the candidates themselves. One assignment is fine, but when one looks for a job, they probably end up completing dozens, if not hundreds of assignments before actually securing a job. The co…
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New manager gets rid of chairs and makes employees stand for full shifts even when there are no customers: 'We now have to stand for 8 hours'

New manager gets rid of chairs and makes employees stand for full shifts even when there are no customers: 'We now have to stand for 8 hours'

People who sit behind a computer all day working from home tend to think that their struggles are the center of the universe, but the truth of the matter is that the real hard workers out there are the ones who have to be on their feet during the entirety of their shifts without sufficient breaks. Here, we have a team of employees at a "gift shop/information center" who have to endure standing for their eight-hour shifts for no good reason other than that's what their new ruthless manager think…
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work workplace Job workplace-stories malicious compliance Retail customer service customers customer customer support employee manager karen karens karens in the wild

Craft store Karen accosts fellow customer and accuses them of being an employee of the store: 'She accused me of just not wanting to help her'

What is it about arts and crafts stores that attract the most feral and angry human beings? It's the type of hobby that's supposed to be chill and relaxing… like isn't that the entire point? Why else would you spend your free time knitting scarves and crocheting hats? It's not as if the hobby gives the thrill of high-octane adrenaline-fueled excitement—although, when you think of it, adrenaline sports and hobbies usually are populated by the most chilled people, so maybe there's something to th…
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'She really wrote this with a straight face?!': Employee chastised by micromanager for being late by sixty seconds and forced to 'make up' every second at the end of the shift

'She really wrote this with a straight face?!': Employee chastised by micromanager for being late by sixty seconds and forced to 'make up' every second at the end of the shift

The corporate world is known for its intense rivalry. Therefore, regardless of how absurd they may seem, following business traditions is necessary if one wants to climb up the corporate ladder. The story below is an account of a confused employee. The original poster (OP) returns from his lunch break to find an email from his boss. According to the email, arriving late is considered disrespectful and will not be accepted. The email also includes time stamps to substantiate the previously state…
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