

'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

In every office, there is that one coworker who mooches.
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'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

It turns out they had a choice after all…. The bounds of any authority are limited, but that doesn't stop those wielding it from consistently overestimating where those limits are. And, when you're the assistant manager of a pizza place, the bounds of your authority are probably much less than you think… Your power in that position isn't unchecked—it's not like you're the United States Secretary of Defense or anything. Still, as always, where there exists a single shred of power, there is someo…
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'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

Office camaraderie is never stronger when you're pitted against an annoying coworker or boss . It really brings people together to know that you're both subject to the whims of a jerk who you can't do anything about. There are certainly better ways to build team camaraderie , but you work with what you have. This malicious compliance story comes from u/flavius_lacivious, who worked at a manufacturing plant in the shipping and receiving department . Unfortunately for them, they were surrounded b…
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'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

Does anyone else totally wish they had this guy as their boss?
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'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

The only thing more entertaining than watching someone quit is watching them quit in glorious fashion.
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workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace reddit thread employment-concerns - 21313285

'I have another job during the weekends': Boss changes employees schedule with two days notice, forcing them to choose between this or abandoning their second job

If you're working a full-time job that doesn't pay you enough to make ends meet, why on earth are you working that job? Better yet, how are they justifying paying you less than the basic living wage? Then when you eventually have to go and take up a second job to make up for the shortfall, how dare they go and make an issue about it, harping on about “loyalty” as if you owe them an ounce of it. This was the matter at hand when a user on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit community shared a highly pe…
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'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager asks everyone to start work at the same time

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager demands everyone starts work at the same time, cue "mass malicious compliance"

Keeping employees happy and productive is a delicate balance. No one told this to the new HR manager, who took it upon herself to make some “improvements."
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'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

Throughout the course of your working life, there will be people you just gel with—people who operate on the same wavelength as you and with whom coexistence and cooperation are effortless. There will be others who you just can't seem to get along with—the antithesis of yourself—like a foil that some cunning author wrote into the narrative of your life. But this first group, these people who are a cut from the same cloth as yourself, become the best coworkers and even lifelong friends. When one…
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'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

That coworker is going to regret being so vocal about this employee's tardiness.
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'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

Once or twice in your career, you'll end up with a boss who acts a lot like Michael Scott, the goofy boss of the beloved TV show “The Office.” Much like the character himself, these bosses are prone to goofing off, being jokey with employees, loving pranks or dad jokes, or just being a menace in general.
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'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes on former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

The amount of disrespect for students who work continues to astound us...
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses workers creativity in the workplace terrible-management - 21334533

'They had to close the part [of the company] I was working in': Worker quits when boss tries to coerce them into coming back early from sick leave

Getting injured at work—while terribly unfortunate—is basically a “Get Out of Jail Free" card, which ensures your workplace isn't going to cross you or try any funny business any time soon… at least it should be. Any employer in their right mind knows that if an employee gets injured in the workplace, they should stay well clear and follow the advice of medical professionals and let the L&I claim play out. Even after the employee returns they know they'll likely be safe from anything action tha…
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workplace-stories work stories server waiter coworkers restaurant workplace restaurants food waitress tales from your server funny spill dropped - 21330693

'She served a kid buttermilk instead of regular milk': 25+ Rookie restaurant staffers who made embarrassing mistakes on the job

When you're new in a job, you absolutely have to learn some things the hard way — how else will you learn? Fresh employees are always making lots of mistakes. They're new, they're learning, and sometimes that makes you, the seasoned employee, giggle a bit. Sometimes they don't understand rules about when to cut corners or stick to the books. Other times, they're not sure when to get a manager involved or when to handle customers on their own. At least as a longer-term employee, you've already m…
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'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

The lengths that employers go to get what they want are baffling these days.
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'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

The bad part about an unpaid lunch break is there's a whole hour in the middle of your day that you're not getting paid for, meaning you're stuck at work for that much longer before you finally get to escape the prison and go home. On the other hand, the great part about an unpaid lunch break is there's a whole hour in the middle of your day that you get to yourself to eat your lunch, get out for a walk, and worry about other things in life outside of your to-do list and your boss's whims. Of c…
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'The total is now $42,000': Funding department asks employees to share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

'The total is now $42,000': Funding department demands employees share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

This employee was trying to arrange a trip as quickly as possible, only to be slowed down by another department. As if travel planning wasn't difficult enough, this person had to deal with their funding department trying to make everything cheaper. Some coworkers think they know better than everyone — to the point that they think they can do your job better than you. It's especially infuriating when the coworker has a different job than yours, but still thinks they know your specialty better th…
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