work from home

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'When he'd get a business call...he'd follow me around the house': Woman gets revenge on spouse's annoying habit by flushing a toilet in a hiring manager's ear

‘I’m not your assistant': Office Karen tries scoring points with upper management, calling a coworker her ‘assistant’ and attempting to revoke their work phone

‘I’m not your assistant': Office Karen tries scoring points with upper management, calling a coworker her ‘assistant’ and attempting to revoke their work phone

'You can't continue working from home because you go idle in chat too often': Remote worker devises plan to avoid going into the office by tricking their bosses

'You can't continue working from home because you go idle in chat too often': Remote worker devises plan to avoid going into the office by tricking their bosses

'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

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‘He joined 10 minutes late… Boss was [furious]’: Careless employee nearly misses a 6AM call with all of the C-level bosses after disrespecting the meeting coordinator

‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

‘I was clocked in the entire time': Company docks employee's pay due to lack of customers, employee applies for unemployment

‘I was clocked in the entire time': Company docks employee's pay due to lack of customers, employee applies for unemployment

work work-from-home wfh fired cut paycut pay salary management manager boomer boss remote employee reddit

Boss Cuts a Remote Employee's Hours (and Pay) in Half, Attempting to Force Him to Come to the Office Instead of Working From Home

boss work from home workplace-stories jobs employee work stories toxic-workplace job sickness horrible-management Horrible Bosses sick home - 21512453

'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

malicious-compliance reddit malicious compliance coworkers coworker worker work employee workers work-from-home wfh professional workplace toxic timecard timesheets micromanaging micromanager boss ceo

'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

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Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote cal after thinking he was on mute

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute