work from home

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'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

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Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote cal after thinking he was on mute

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute

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15+ Relatable Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With Who Can't Survive Another Zoom Call

FAILS wholesome work from home FAIL work reddit thread Reddit Cats - 20398085

'I had been broadcasting my baby talk to my entire team': Employee does baby talk with cat while unmuted on work call

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

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20 Distracting Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With ADHD

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Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees Unaffected by Daylight Savings This Week

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20+ Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 9, 2023)

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Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 3, 2023)

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Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (February 16, 2023)

employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses

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'I guess we're off then': Hardworking Hybrid Team Gets Payback on Micromanaging Boss After A Vicious Attack On Their Productivity

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

AITA for refusing to pay my husband for using a room in the house for my WFH job?

Woman's 'transaction nightmare' of a husband starts charging for the room she uses to work from home