work from home

work from home neighbors remote work employee job neighborhood work neighborhood-drama entitled entitled people handyman - 38002949

Work-from-home employee draws the line after retired neighbor treats him like his personal handyman: 'He called me three times in one day'

Employees drop like flies after new manager enforces 14-hour Zoom calls to monitor progress: 'The company closed and we all now work for our competitor'

Employees drop like flies after new manager enforces 14-hour Zoom calls to monitor progress: 'The company closed and we all now work for our competitor'

‘The CEO didn't like it’: Remote employee gets reprimanded after his daughter appeared on camera during a late-night meeting, leading employee to reconsider his position

‘The CEO didn't like it’: Remote employee gets reprimanded after his daughter appeared on camera during a late-night meeting, leading employee to reconsider his position

Vindictive manager gets what's coming to them after he berates employee and doesn't back up his promises, employee finds new job offer and considers making a scene while quitting

‘So I switched my LinkedIn back on’: Employee signs remote offer right before RTO mandate is enacted, gets unicorn job offer and considers loud-quitting to spite vindictive manager

commute work from home working job company hr boss bosses manager supervisor good-boss employee employees wholesome work-story reddit

'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

Company sends warning emails to employees who are ‘mouse jiggling’ instead of working, causing employees to look for other ways to avoid work: ‘I hope they are bluffing'

Company sends warning emails to employees who are ‘mouse jiggling’ instead of working, causing employees to look for other ways to avoid work: ‘I hope they are bluffing'

Employee's WFH privileges are revoked without warning, is told by apathetic boss that senior employees with families take WFH priority

‘I should’ve never fallen into the trap’: Entitled boss revokes employee's WFH privileges because it's simply more convenient for her, sparks feud in a 1:1 meeting resulting in tears

employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

wfh wfo office work working worker employee employees hybrid schedule company job workplace business manager managers supervisor leave pto

'Put in a leave? Sure': Hybrid employee gets denied a WFH day while she's under-the-weather, scores a restful day off while the department scrambles

‘I called him out in front of the entire team’: Boomer delegates all tasks to his team, then calls young employees lazy because they enjoy working from home

‘I called him out in front of the entire team’: Boomer delegates all tasks to his team, then calls young employees lazy because they enjoy working from home

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'I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU': Call center employee showcases top tier de-escalation tactics when handling Karen customers on the phone

‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

opinion boss work from home worker remote work employee employer workplace-discussion Office work environment wfh reddit thread Reddit - 24856069

'It's much easier to focus without all the office politics and gossip': 20+ Remote Employees Share Their Reasons for Working from Home

Please tell me I'm not the only one finding this new PTO policy completely ridiculous

'We have made a change to PTO': HR tries to get workers to use their PTO if they need to work from home

'I guess I'm not working at all, then': Engineer gets 3 days off work after micromanager demands he provide a ‘doctor’s note' to work from home

'I guess I'm not working at all, then': Engineer gets 3 days off work after micromanager demands he provide a ‘doctor’s note' to work from home

'It's about control': Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home one day

'It's about control': Fully remote HR rep denies employee's request to work from home one day

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