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New mom sabotages her husband's gaming tournament after he refuses to help care for their newborn: 'Step up and be a parent too'

Parenting is a two-person job. While there are excellent single parents out there, caring for a newborn often requires the waking attention of two fully attentive adults, which is why having children can make or break a relationship. When new parents reach a boiling point, things can go south very quickly.
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Entitled honeymooner husband leaves his new wife in economy during a long-haul flight, expects man to give up his seat

‘He [took] the upgrade instead of sitting with his wife’: Man refuses to give up premium economy seat for entitled husband's new wife, offers to sell it to him instead

Excuse me, sir. I paid for this seat!
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Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

Even when you try to do right by your chosen family, they might drop you when things get complicated.
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'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

For this worker, the only thing more infuriating than being underpaid was finding out that others were making much, much more money. In case no one's told you lately, you should discuss your salary with your coworkers. Even when—no, especially when—it's very awkward, you should still bring it up politely. You and your coworkers may benefit from it. If you all know what you're making, you have the ability to question your bosses about your value to the company compared to others. Higher-ups don'…
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‘I can’t stand them anymore': Parents who aren't even contributing $1 to daughter's wedding refuse to attend unless given complete control over planning, couple has enough

‘I can’t stand them anymore': Parents who aren't even contributing $1 to daughter's wedding refuse to attend unless given complete control over planning, couple has enough

“It's YOUR wedding. Full stop.”
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'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

‘And I have to go back today…’: Professional cleaning lady records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being his mistress, husband ends up apologizing later
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Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

When you're legally and financially tied to another person to the point where everything would be evenly split should the relationship end, you really have no business making excessively extravagant purchases without the both of you being on the same page. The acceptability of these slides further when that thing has no bearing on, or positive effect on, advancing your lives or livelihood together. Look I'm not going to be one of those people who starts talking about how collecting “pictures pr…
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'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

“When I suggested selling it, he cut me off and said that he wasn’t getting a van... It was so combative and defensive the way he said it, and because I was so tired from the day, I lashed out. We argued, it got heated, and I ended up yelling, ‘Your fragile masculinity is costing our family so much money'."
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'Now he is getting teased at work': Lie backfires when husband tells wife not to come to business dinner

'Now he is getting teased at work': Lie backfires when husband tells wife not to come to business dinner

This husband is in hot water with his significant other after he left out a crucial detail about a work event . It all revolves around a certain work party: a dinner held to celebrate the employees meeting their financial goals. Every company has different etiquette rules regarding business dinners and other social events. Sometimes spouses are invited, sometimes they aren't, and some companies never allow a plus-one. This person, who has since deleted their Reddit account, shared that their hu…
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'Does she also send scathing texts to his hairdresser?': Successful side-hustle causes a stir in the workplace when a jealous wife finds out her husband eats lunch made by another woman

There's nothing more delicious than a home-cooked meal after a long morning at work. Not only does your lunch break provide a reprise from the laborious load of the day, but it also gives coworkers a chance to mingle, relax, and chow down on some decent grub. In the workplace in our next story, warehouse laborers live a spoiled life, enjoying home-cooked lunches from a fellow coworker...
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‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

People get divorced for all kinds of reasons. They fall out of love, they can't stand their in-laws, they have dissimilar parenting styles, one hates blueberries and the other likes them. Oh wait, that last one was… quite petty. What are the most entertaining but petty reasons people get a divorce? Well, you'll find out once you scroll down and read this oh-so-bitter (but funny) thread about married people who were done with their spouses. For the weirdest reasons. I know people who got divorce…
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Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

In this marriage, only one person gets to sleep in the bedroom when the couple argues. I always thought that was a silly sitcom trope, or perhaps just a luxury for people who live in houses and not small apartments. In any case, it's that classic bit where a husband and wife argue, and the husband is forced to sleep on the couch to atone for his behavior. Only in this dude's case, he wasn't even in the wrong! This dude and his wife have a really strange relationship dynamic, which commenters we…
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College graduate informs father she won't take care of him in old age, prompting him to move her monthly allowance of $1000 into a retirement plan instead: ‘You’ll be on your own'

College graduate informs father she won't take care of him in old age, prompting him to move her monthly allowance of $1000 into a retirement plan instead: ‘You’ll be on your own'

People in their twenties who are receiving buckets of money from their parents should learn a thing or two about respect. For some reason, spoiled kids treat their parents worse than kids who actually have to work for what they earn. Call it entitlement, call it privilege, call it whatever you want… I think it's absurd. This college graduate was receiving a monthly allowance of $1000 from her father, who was remarried to a woman she hated. The graduate, who we'll call Karen, was always being me…
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'Unless he's [next in line], it really doesn't matter': Entitled wife tries to pull her husband's rank to cut the line, gets shut down by a sassy desk attendant

You're not just 'somebody's wife'–you're a nobody who refused to take a number and wait your turn...
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'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

If you're asking the internet, “Did I ruin my marriage?” the answer may already be clear.
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Married man finds a secret folder on his wife's laptop where he makes a spine-chilling discovery: 'There were over 300 photos of MY ex'

Pretty sure this is the premise of a couple true crime stories...
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