

drugs science weed funny Video - 68773377

Is Weed Healthier Than Coke?

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They Got Their Point Across

always marilize the leguana
Via Tamameo

Jesus Has 2 Important Questions

jesus wants to know if cannabis is legal
Via volar92

Get Your Meds Sorted

Just tell people you need to take your glaucoma medicine
Via Fareyjane

Damn Those Weed Drugs

weed drugs make you do terrible things to babies
Via Jeffery015

Marijuana Ruins Lives

weed, wtf, funny, gross,
Via DavoDinkum69

Finally a Use for the Recorder

wtf weed funny - 8441948416

The Scientific Term for Bong Water

drugs science weed funny - 8439616000

Marijuana Is a Hell of a Drug

dwight interviews jim about marijuana
Via The Swingingman97

I'm Not Sure That's How You Do the Dope

syringes filled with weed
Via Brown Cardigan

She's a Giant Disappointment

terrible weed blunt funny - 8434242048

The Laziest Mob of All Time

the marijuana mob is a lazy mob
Via Michigan Weed

Dolphins Love Drugs

dolphins smoking seaweed
Via Brown Cardigan

There's a Cure for That

sign talks about weed curing stress
Via Kermitasuarus11

Get as High as You Want Just Please Be Courteous

weed smokers need to be courteous
Via mjl0469

I Don't Know What That Smell Is

drugs weed funny - 8424605184
Via Gatorfan822

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