

Woman decides to debut her new fiancé at her ex's wedding | AITA taking attention away bride at wedding and making about Please excuse any errors 28F) as currently 6 months pregnant and am engaged wonderful man. Due craziness, only limited people know about our news because aren't announcing" type. Also quick engagement because pregnancy but love each other and didn't want showcase all also have 11 year old with my ex who married 9 years, but he ended up cheating on with Anna his friend

Woman Reveals New Fiancé At Ex's Wedding

A situation ripe for some serious drama.
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Bridezilla wants a redo wedding, and her family member rejects her | AITA telling my sister won't be her second/makeup wedding? My (25f) sister (30f) got married six years ago wedding did not go quite as planned so she and her husband have decided they want redo and are planning have their wedding late next year her bridesmaid/kinda maid honor with one her friends, and she treated like shit younger then and didn't really say much because rest my family would have told deal with her day, and be

Bridezilla Wants A Redo Wedding, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

Seems completely reasonable.
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A bridezilla Karen ends up looking like a pauper at her own wedding | r/ProRevenge u/forestcabin123k Bridezilla Karen ends up looking like pauper at her own wedding F48) have known "Pat F48 decades. As far as can remember, she fixated on having 5 children and picket fence dream life slowly cut ties with her college because she an opportunist and didn't trust her. She is both manipulative and forceful. Her idea cute rubs wrong way. Pat likes walk like penguin she wants elicit pity, and

Bridezilla Karen Ends Up Looking Like Pauper At Her Own Wedding

Serves that Karen right.
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A groom is extremely picky when it comes to cars being offered to him to borrow | FL Looking borrow car my wedding day. 12/28 will be needing 2 pm- 8 pm. Thank Haha Comment Share 00= 41 can borrow my tesla if want 2h Like Reply have picture?

Groomzilla Is The Choosiest Of Beggars

Guess the free BMW wasn't enough.
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A bride expects turtles with lit candles on their backs at her wedding reception | r/bridezillas u/sarabeth616 Turtle bride This would have been about 2000 Florida, so crazy-times. Young bride, about 20 with an indulgent father culture where wedding huge show-off family event her religion or culture or family don't really know) turtles were symbol good luck and mere weeks before wedding she came up with idea have turtles at reception ask? She wanted live turtles

Bride Expects Turtles With Lit Candles On Their Backs At Reception

Um, it's creative at the very least.
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A bride threatens to un-invite her dad's girlfriend from the wedding if she wears beige | AITA saying my dad's girlfriend can't come my wedding if she plans on wearing certain dress? Not hole So yesterday my birthday and spending day with my fianc one my best friends and her boyfriend. Since nice day decided go out patio some drinks celebrate. Well, part way through day just happened be scrolling on Instagram where see my dad's girlfriend had posted picture she planning wear wedding.

Bride Threatens To Un-Invite Dad's Girlfriend If She Wears Off-White Dress

Completely understandable.
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A new dad ends up leaving the delivery room because his fiancée shouts her ex's name | AITA walking out delivery room while my fianc giving birth? Not hole This happened two weeks ago, my 28M fiance 26F and just had baby boy and 's been difficult already without her being upset with after happened met her at bar used hang out with my friends at dated 8 months, and decided propose she told she pregnant and wanted have baby both agreed on getting married after our baby is born, She introduced my

Dad Leaves Delivery Room Cause Fiancée Shouts Ex's Name

Definitely an awkward moment.
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Bridesmaids describe most unreasonable demands they've heard from brides | iswearimachef 2y My friend is trying make us row on rowboat heels and long dress. 332

Most Unreasonable Demands From Brides

Row, row, row your boat.
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Sister-in-law makes the bride cry, so she gets booted from the wedding | AITA Kicking My Sister--law Out My Wedding? So my now sister--law has been pain my now wifes' ass very long time. She is always trying one up" her every way possible have also heard lot stories where she has done some pretty messed up stuff my wife, including skinny dipping with her ex while my wife and him were still together, Lying and saying liked her first highschool) which is completely untrue just break us up, and

Sister-In-Law Makes Bride Cry, Gets Booted From Wedding

She had to go.
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Fiancé chooses mother over bride at the wedding, and drama ensues | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/Throwaway331097 1d Aita leaving an Uber after my engagement party? Not hole My fiance and got engaged week ago an absolute disaster never wanted party but my fiance's mom insisted, and wanted have engagement party at restuarant is expensive and made my fiance pull money out his saving accaunt buy house just so she could show herself off her family, She: Picked restaurant her choice Invited her whole family

Fiancé Chooses Mother Over Bride At Wedding

What an awkward situation.
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Bride's sister threatens to wear white dress, and gets kicked off bridesmaid duties | AITA kicking my sister out my wedding So my sister (30 F) and 33 F) have always had contentious relationship, and l've never understood why. She has always been condescending and rude She also still lives with my mom and is very close with her. Last year got engaged my fianc 36 M Everyone congratulatory except my sister. Her response wow really trying beat down aisle huh She wasn't dating anyone at time, and

Bride's Sister Threatens To Wear White Dress, Gets Kicked Off Duties

The sister and mom sound like a nightmare.
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Funny Russian wedding photoshop | weird wtf edited wedding photos bride descending down stairs with tiny groom wearing a jet pack | bride sitting on groom's shoulders in the middle of a lake

Classic Russian Wedding Photoshops

Why? Because.
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Passive aggressive bridezilla calls her friends out over their wedding gifts | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/makeupandjustice 23h AITA calling friends out not bringing card or gift my post- elopement wedding reception? Asshole Amidst significant family drama, my husband and decided elope and then host 35 person garden-party wedding reception at our home reception on same date as our original wedding had been planned and tbh cost just as

Passive Aggressive Bridezilla Complains About Friends' Gifts

Oh, come on.
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The cringiest things that brides and grooms have done for their weddings | aPKPirate 1h Ive worked over 200 weddings at same venue, many couples wanted fireworks and had company could always do show couple ALWAYS, without fail, would pick Firework by Katy Perry play during show. Reply 1.4k

Cringiest Things Brides And Grooms Have Done

Too much cringe to contend with.
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Best man gets demoted and proceeds to skip friend's wedding | AITA not going wedding after agreeing be best man? Not hole Last year my best childhood friend (28M) asked 28M be best man at his wedding, and happily agreed think process brought us closer together as talked weekly next few months planning logistics and bachelor party worked hard on bachelor party, which far away vacation spent months planning, and lots money found time everyone's schedule and booked an amazing vacation blast his onl

Best Man Gets Demoted, Skips Friend's Wedding

That's not what friends do.
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Groom says that fiance can only splurge on wedding dress if he can splurge too | AITA telling my fiancé she can only buy wedding dress if get spend same amount Asshole My fiancée and are getting married October and couldn't be more excited. Currently she's unemployed because her job permanently shut down due lockdown so income comes and her unemployment make good money so don't care if she gets another job can support us. Money is little tight lately because very suddenly had buy new car haven't

Groom Says Fiancé Can Only Buy Wedding Dress If He Can Splurge Too

Dude, come on.
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