

Nightmare bride wants to remove a bridesmaid from her wedding for having cancer | Hey girls have something need run by y'all. So Mader didn't have cancer whenl invited her be my bridesmaid but now having second thoughts about her being wedding. Like, she mentioned other day her hair has started fall out bit and noticed looking thinner than normal just can't

Bridezilla Worried Bridesmaid's Chemotherapy Will Ruin Wedding

The bridesmaid has a way with words.
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Groom insists that his ex be able to attend the wedding, and his bride isn't down | AITA wanting my ex girlfriend be able attend our wedding my fiancée doesn't want her Asshole 28M) got engaged my girlfriend(27F) 3 months ago and are planning our wedding. Now know many our friends can invite and have started making our initial list. One my close friends is right now relationship with woman dated 2 years. Our lives were going into different directions wanted have kids she doesn't, and determined

Groom Insists Ex Attends His Wedding, Bride Isn't Down

Um, probably not the move, bud.
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Groom does a Borat impression during the wedding vows, and bride loses it. | AITA making my wife cry at our wedding? Title sounds bad but hear out. My (25M) newly wed wife (32F) and both love Borat movies were thrilled new one came out during pandemic. This happened while were re-planning our winter wedding accommodate local COVID guidelines (10 close friends/family all masked My wife's favorite line Borat is he says MY WIIFFEEEE and jokingly said pissed would be if said during our wedding.

Groom Does Borat Impression During Vows, Bride Melts Down

A definite bold move, bro.
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People describe their biggest wedding day regrets in an AskReddit thread. | starcrafter84• 16h Picking longest song ever first dance

People's Biggest Wedding Day Regrets

All the regrets.
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funny wedding fail musician kills the vibe

Wedding Musician Completely Kills The Vibe

Even the trumpet sounds depressed.
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Bride wants to airbrush over her bridesmaid's tattoos | SOS need advice comes large tats. My foster sister has few very large mural tattoos on her arms! She is only one wedding who will have tattoos showing paying lot perfect wedding and photographer so am really struggling with do do not want be bride, but they are going stand out like sore thumb as they are very vibrant. Do ask airbrush make up lady go over them as know 's possible or do work with photographer and see if she could edit them

Bride Wants To Airbrush Over Bridesmaid's Tattoos

Let the tattoos be.
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Woman shows up to pay deposit the day before her actual wedding. | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk Join u/leamornor 1y Women turns up pay her wedding don't have diary. Her wedding is tomorrow. Medium large part my job is answering phones and dealing with people who want hire our large function room our town our room is one very few places available hold wedding receptions, birthday parties etc.

Woman Shows Up To Pay Deposit Day Before Wedding

Not the way to plan out a wedding.
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A collection of the year's most entitled bridezillas | KAREN Big wedding announcement noticed lot who have RSVP'd have not sent gift or signed up my registry s pathetic and sad after all l've given others at their weddings. Don't even show up without gift spent my life savings on this wedding and 's disrespectful AF not give gift have one week send gift or l'm taking off Guest list. If need my address PM

Most Entitled Bridezillas Of 2020

Hopefully next year is better.
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karen objects to her son getting married during the wedding ceremony cringeworthy fail

Karen Objects At Son's Wedding

Get it together, Karen.
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Person has vegan wedding meal planned, uncle demands meat | Posted by u/AITAvegwedding AITA serving vegan food at my wedding? My fiance and are getting married June next year both vegans, and although don't judge those who are not vegan wanted serve vegan food at our wedding found vegan caterer sent out invitations added note saying food will be vegan also asked everyone who has any specific dietary requirements let us know note made clear anyone who needed specific

Uncle Can't Handle Vegan Meal At Wedding, Demands Meat Meal

It's one free meal, dude.
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People describe the funniest things that they've ever seen at weddings | Back2Bach 1d bride's long train went out front doors and part-way down steps as she awaited processional begin. Unknown her little dog neighborhood went sleep on her train and "came along ride" as she approached altar ceremony begin.

Funniest Things People Have Seen At Weddings

Doggo needed a power nap.
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Bride complains about her K-Mart towels wedding gift, and then gets slammed in the comments section | Hey everyone, has anyone received any wedding gifts past were slap face did deal with My partner and had very exclusive wedding, all inclusive and focus were our guests. Our best friend, husband and kids knew this and they gifted us 2 kmart towels total value about $10. This hurt us lot, as slap face don't know deal with any suggestions? 40 answers

Bride Gets Gifted K-Mart Towels, Complains, Gets Slammed In Comments

Not exactly what she was looking for.
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An entitled bridezilla ends up cancelling her wedding and keeping $30K gifts for herself | Bride Hi invitées wedding! After much reflection and tear filled conversation with our closest family members have decided cancel our upcoming winter wedding will further notify this group are better place reschedule thank each and every one generous early donations our money fund. Can believe have raised over $30,000 Unbelievable! Don't worry money donated will not be spent vain but rather used towards

Bridezilla Cancels Wedding, Keeps $30K Of Gifts For Herself

Get out of here with that.
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A collection of red flags from weddings that people noticed | My cousin bride told us, as she going table table thanking guests she didn't think would last were stunned. They lasted about year.

Red Flags People Noticed At Weddings

That's just brutal.
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Woman's rude husband gets kicked out of wedding, and she stays anyways | Aita not going home with my husband after my sister kicked him out her wedding? Not hole My F26 sister F24 got engaged her husband M36 few months ago. He's out town and he's well off (rich) he has several properties and drives dodge. He's very generous and respectful. He treats family with so much respect One thing noticed my husband constantly making comments about him and he ended up with our family since he's well off

Woman's Husband Gets Kicked Out Of Wedding, She Stays Anyways

Dude needs to put his ego in check.
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Entitled influencer will trade exposure for wedding documentary, gets nothing | Wedding 10th April 2021 Good morning, My client is well known social media influencer who is planning be married at 2021 lead up her wedding, beginning this summer, she would like documentary style video (an hour long) and photos taken at bridal fittings which can be shared with her followers. On day wedding, she would like video documenting whole day (must be 1 hour length) and package includes

Influencer Demands Free Wedding Documentary, Gets Shut Down

Get outta here with that noise.
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