

Bride gets criticized for telling fiancé that he can't have a "best woman" at the wedding | AITA not wanting my fianc have best woman Asshole My fiancé and are planning our wedding, and today he said he is planning on having his female friend be his best man, making her best woman

Bride Tells Fiancé He Can't Have "Best Woman" At Wedding

Just a bit controlling.
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Girl isn't invited to a wedding, so she responds with passive aggressiveness | are Do have wedding date set Yes gonna get married on 20th June Oh can come?

Girl Isn't Invited To Wedding, Passive Aggressive Response Ensues

She didn't handle that well.
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Guy asks people on Reddit whether he's a jerk for playing heavy metal music at his friend's wedding | AITA ruining my friends wedding with metal? My wife (30F) and 32M) were invited my friend (31M)'s wedding. He's fairly close friend have seen each other about 2-3 times year since were 10. He got married his longtime girlfriend who have met handful times.

Guy "Ruins" Friend's Wedding With Heavy Metal Song

There's a time and a place for everything.
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Bride demands that wedding guests bring gifts worth over $250 to the wedding | hey weren't informed by Mike s mine and Christian's wedding next month! If buying us gifts requirement is buy us gifts above $250 either or christian

Bridezilla Demands Gifts Above $250 From Wedding Guests

That's one way to make it a small gathering.
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Woman wants to cancel her wedding that her sister took over | Posted by aitasisterwedding WIBTA cancelling my sister's wedding because my wedding first? meant get married on 1st February, which mine and my ex-fiance's anniversary ended engagement shortly after new year because he cheated on wedding initially planned with just my money but very low key

Sister Hijacks Woman's Wedding, She Wonders If She Can Still Cancel

Not an enviable position.
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Woman cuts up and alters her wedding dress after being cheated on, and her sister proceeds to complain about it | AITA cutting up and altering my wedding dress into functional dress instead giving my sister who can't afford an expensive dress need an unbiased opinion on this because don't know if asshole

Woman Cuts Up Wedding Dress After Being Cheated On, Sister Complains

Sounds like the wedding dress wasn't needed anymore!
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Bride asks bridesmaid to die her hair to better fit in with the wedding color scheme | AITA asking my bridesmaid temporarily change her vibrant hair colour my colour schemed wedding? Asshole My 24 f bridsemaid cousin Ella 26 f is be my wedding party June ongoing issue is my wedding has blue and green peacock theme and guests have been asked follow this colour scheme with their clothes. Hair wasn't originally included at all colour scheme but my cousin Ella has natural bright ginger hair.

Bride Asks Bridesmaid To Dye Hair To Fit Wedding Color Scheme

This could be America's Next Top Bridezilla.
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Angry bride tells a newly engaged woman that she can't wear ring | r/weddingshaming posted by TrinityBlack13 So can't wear my engagement ring or talk about my engagement fine. Bridezilla So I going my fiancé's cousins wedding on weekend

Bridezilla Tells Newly Engaged Woman She Can't Wear Ring

What a nightmarish situation to be caught up in.
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An angry bride uninvites wedding guests over a bad weather drama | r/bridezillas posted by International-Aside Bride Uninvites Guests Over Bad Weather Edit: Guess wedding shower, not bridal shower distinction without difference terms end result, though still wanted clarify. Bride has uninvited people who didn't make bridal wedding shower due winter weather. She posted on FB Yesterday an eye opener and

Bride Uninvites Wedding Guests Over Bad Weather

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Bride demands that her brother change his appearance to look less like the groom | AITA not changing beard or wearing glasses just because somewhat look like groom at wedding? Long time lurker first post yay So close family member is getting married soon have been told either grow my beard out lot,

Bride Demands Brother Change Appearance To Look Less Like The Groom

This is all kinds of weird.
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Bride wants to pay for her wedding with Instagram exposure, and proceeds to get mocked over it | Hi yall! As know n David afe getribg married! Soon will be Mrs. David believe can lol deserve can are blessed David's godmother has invited us have her wedding at her estate Maine share some photos later but its gorgeous and its historical landmark, which means my wedding is going be historic!lol

Bride Wants To Pay For Wedding With Exposure, Gets Mocked

The delusions here are next level.
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Woman wants to take her friend's ex as a date to her wedding | WIBTA taking my friend's ex as my date her wedding after got kicked out her wedding party? My friend is marrying my ex boyfriend four years s been pretty awkward kicked out her wedding party because uncomfortable wearing very revealing bridesmaid's gown. This wasn't big deal as not exactly close since she got with my ex. However, she still expects take on all duties bridesmaid told her ridiculous and she needed find new

Woman Wants To Take Friend's Ex As Date To Her Wedding

Probably best to just avoid the wedding altogether.
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Vegan couple wants special treatment while attending sister's wedding.

Vegan Couple Wants Special Treatment At Sister's Wedding

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A collection of bridezilla cases that are filled to the brim with delusional entitlement.

Bridezilla Cases That Are Filled With Delusions

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Guy decides to spend $5K on a surgery for his dog instead of a wedding.

Guy Spends $5K On Surgery For Dog Instead Of Wedding

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Bride plans a sunrise wedding after the family gets mad, and asks people on Reddit if she was in the wrong.

Bride Plans Sunrise Wedding After Family Gets Angry

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