
wait what

20 People who were completely blissfully unaware of what's going on around them

20 People who were completely blissfully unaware of what's going on around them

Everyone has experienced being that person at some point: you're blissfully unaware of a situation , while everyone around you is paying attention. Sometimes it's hard not to zone out in a conversation, or to completely misinterpret a text! Keep scrolling below to see a bunch of people (and animals) who were truly just kind of oblivious. To check out another fascinating article, click here .
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The Mild Let Go

fast food fired Image taco bell wait what - 5386282752
Created by shadowstriker85


iPhones wait what pregnant - 6717630464

Not for Use as a Shield, Surfboard, etc.

door Image language obvious sign wait what - 5318076160
Created by Unknown

Today, Counting Games. Tomorrow, Drinking Games.

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This Works With Student Loans too, Right?

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Via JayStewartPhoto

Dafuq Just Happened?

wait what surprise sharks - 7121526784

Wait That's a Thing? WHERE

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What Are the Mechanics of That Transfer, Exactly?

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Via Criggo

Do You Still Not Get It?

iPhones wait what lady problems g rated AutocoWrecks - 7035633152
Created by Jrsbbusa3000 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Polish Name FAIL

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Double-Take Double Car WIN

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Wait What?

Image wait what - 6588521984
Via Orf
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Dating Fails: Wait What?

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Wait What?

dating site voting-page wait what - 6481349888
Created by Unknown

Dating Fails: Your Family is WEIRD

dating fails Image vibrator voting-page wait what - 6470291456
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