
wait what

Post-it Man WIN

chilling costume Image office supplies post it wait what - 5553769472

Reject the Mainstream!

hipster Image mainstream Music wait what - 4926885376
Created by Floodclaw
communication family guy men misunderstanding voting-page wait what - 31345921

Uh... I'm Sorry?

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custom extreme rollerblading Video wait what - 31339265

Rollerman WIN

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Don't Lie, You Got Excited For A Second

beach hey ladies ladies photo op sexy voting-page wait what - 5569034752


bewbs Featured Fail image Image not what it looks like wait what - 5572910592
baby Parenting Fail Video wait what - 30617089

Fun Fact: Babies Are Robots Until the Age of 9 Months

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Does Not Compute

30 rock asking out liz lemon voting-page wait what - 5559493120

A Bottle in One Hand, Organic Fair-Trade in the Other

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After 12: Finally, A Solution!

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Failbook: Cheater

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chrome comment custom DIY guitar Music Video wait what youtube - 30551297

How Many Strings? WIN

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Parenting FAILs Gif-Party!

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Parenting Fails: Please Let This Be Satire. Please.

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Parenting Fails: Blasphemous, Blasphemous Child

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Why This is, We Will Never Know

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