

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20573701

'We weren't doing the $25,000 when you hit 25 years': CEO gifts employees $25K for working 25 years, but employee going on 27 years there gets nothing

Talk about a slap in the face!
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20+ Satisfying texts and photos from bosses and their employees who are heading for the door

'I'm not coming in': 20+ Satisfying texts and photos from fed-up employees and their horrible bosses

Having a bad boss is never easy, so gain some vicarious joy from these brave quitters.
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace dumb rules employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace coworkers micromanaging workplace employment talesfromretail retail tales-from-retail - 20544773

'She got fed up': Manager regrets demanding that retail cashier ask for their transaction approval

Unnecessary rules and processes must be followed to the letter—because some manager who has never actually done the job decided it must be so. As long as they only waste your time, they'll remain in place indefinitely as you're hounded mercilessly about the resulting drop in productivity (thanks to these new processes.) However, as soon as these processes infringe upon the time of the manager who made them, it's miraculous how quickly they can disappear, which means the easiest way to get rid o…
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job job hunt candidates work new job interviews job-seeker toxic-boss workplace job interview toxic-work-environment - 20524805

'We will contact our lawyer': Company threatens candidate with legal action after they leave a review of their interview experience

Feedback is important but usually not well received. People generally don't like hearing all of the things that they could have done better; those with overly inflated egos tend to take this especially poorly. Sure, it doesn't feel good, but most of us would take the feedback—maybe apply it, maybe not—and move on from it. Only occasionally recollecting the exchange when the intrusive thoughts move in while trying to go to sleep at night. Rather than doing this, this company decided that they ne…
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About 5 years ago my company brought in an individual to see if my position was "no longer needed". I passed with flying colors...

'I turned off every automated task I had ever set up': Dude gets pro-level revenge against an entire company just by taking an unplanned vacation

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! It's common saying that this office place has clearly never heard of. After hiring a secret employee to find the weak parts of this business, the higher-ups made a huge mistake. The OP shared their story to r/pettyrevenge, but in my opinion, this is definitely pro-level revenge . They had the opportunity of a lifetime to show their office place exactly how important they were. Even the strategy the OP had – take 2 weeks vacation ASAP, let the pieces fall where t…
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sick leave antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story doctor employees workplace workers employment toxic-work-environment malicious compliance - 2075655

'Now I'll miss three [days]': Boss demands sick note for one day off, doctor gives them three more

Sometimes your actions to prevent something can bring it into existence as if you're unknowingly fulfilling a prophecy of your own making. That's what happened to this boss, who attempted to keep their workers from taking sick days by demanding they get a doctor's note only to have the doctor recommend them to take more time off than they would have in the first place. This is a common experience we've all probably had ourselves or witnessed at some point in our working life. A lot of organizat…
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antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story job candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20525573

'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

Starting a new job is stressful; you've traded the relative security of whatever job you've just left for the uncertainty of a new one. This entire process, from start to finish, is time-consuming and emotionally draining, leaving you hoping that you'll never have to go through it again… and then you get fired on your second day. This old bait and switch probably means that either someone realized they didn't have the budget for a new role that they thought they did, or layoffs are on their way…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance reddit thread Reddit business toxic-work-environment - 20556037

'That is when I lost my job': Employee tasked with making a business plan discovers major discrepancies, gets fired for calling them out

We love a wholesome tale when the underestimated employee surpasses expectations.
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Not even entitled to my own leave. Requested it a month and a half earlier btw.

'Your request cannot be granted': Employee denied PTO request because boss can't plan ahead

Your boss's inability to be organized is not your problem!
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antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story i quit quit workplace viral-workplace-stories quitting employment - 20525317

'You will not be eligible to be rehired': Employer attempts to decrease turnover by increasing resignation requirements

At the end of the day, you can't just make it harder for people to quit to prevent them from doing so. You'd be better off putting the time and energy into fixing company culture and decreasing turnover. Yet, where there's a bad idea to be had, there's a manager somewhere looking to champion it with zealous vigor, abandoning it only after things go totally sideways and pretending that nothing ever happened. It's no secret that the medical sector is currently struggling for staff, with low staff…
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nepotism antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story manager workplace Horrible Bosses creativity in the workplace - 20543237

'[She] fired my wife on the spot': Manager framed to make way for nepotism hire, entire team walks out

Sometimes nepotism presents itself in subtle, understated ways that influence the progression of someone's career in unseen ways. But, sometimes, the person making way for the nepo-hire is brazen enough to fire workers under false accusations in order to make way for their desired candidate. But when you're in the process of prioritizing your own personal relationships over ability, you shouldn't be quick to overlook the personal relationships of those you're screwing over. This team knew where…
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server gets threatened by manager to get fired if she doesn't attended unpaid mandatory 3-hour meeting, employee threatens manager back with reporting him to the labor board for unlawful practice

'If you fire me, I will call the labor board': Manager Tries to Trick Employee Into Attending Unpaid 3-Hr “Mandatory” Meeting, Employee Schools Him on Labor Laws

Why are so many mangers like this? Is it the power struggle they have created themselves? Is it some sort of pride thing? Or are they really just that dumb? If you've ever had THAT kind of manager, then you've thought the same questions. This recently happened for one server when her manager tried to trick her into unpaid work.
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employment candidates jobs promotions promotion workplace quit quitting bad jobs antiwork toxic-workplace workplace-stories job-seeker workplace-story in-the-workplace - 20524293

'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

Getting passed up for a promotion when you know you're the best candidate is heart-breaking—made worse by the fact that it's usually because of some petty political dynamic or so that they can bring in a nepotism hire. Bonus points when the person who successfully interviewed for the role turns around and asks you for help or tries to delegate your work because your peers and managers have recognized you as the “go-to person." Whatever you decide to do at that point… you probably would like to…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20536837

'You are a true asset to the team': Boss rewards employee's extra work with a shady pack of gum

One has to wonder if this was actually a covert message about bad breath. If your manager wanted to reward you for hard work, there are so many better ways in which they could pull this off in a non-humiliating manner. For instance, they could give you a raise (ha! wishful thinking). They could give you some sort of employment perk (ha! also wishful thinking). Ok, well, they don't have to write a handwritten note and a pack of gum! In fact, the handwritten note on its own might have been a perf…
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coworkers employee employment boss employees manager work workplace toxic-workplace work-story workplace-stories malicious compliance - 20524549

'You won't get your hours': Boss demands workers call out sick before 6 AM, immediately regrets it

When you give a demand, it's always wise to make sure that you're not demanding something that you don't actually want to deal with—being woken up before 6 AM anytime one of your employees needs to call out would fit right into that category. This manager tried to tell their employee that they weren't going to be paid sick leave for the hours they missed since they hadn't called out before 6 AM, according to the “company policy.” By the manager's reasoning, this meant that they hadn't appropria…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace coworkers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20505349

'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

This boss's comeuppance had to have been a triumphant experience for the whole office.
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