

Entitled boss gets what he deserves for not believing employee's injury, has to pay employee a week of sick leave instead of the requested one day

‘He got his note’: Employee sprains ankle and requests one day of paid sick leave, boss demands to see a doctor's note and ends up paying a week of leave per doctor's orders

"This gets met with more attitude so I ask if I’ll be getting paid sick time for the day I missed yesterday. He says no, not without a doctors note. . ."
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Manager at understaffed pizzeria gets scolded for taking a 10 minute break, gets scheduled hours reduced: 'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit'

Manager at understaffed pizzeria gets scolded for taking a 10 minute break, gets scheduled hours reduced: 'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit'

We rarely take a moment to appreciate the overworked managers who have to answer to the ridiculous demands of the higher-ups. Here , we have the manager of an understaffed pizzeria who was taking on the responsibilities of virtually everyone after both cooks showed up late. He took a moment to collect himself after working on his feet and going non-stop all day. His break was literally for only ten minutes, but the owner took note and prepared his payback. The next day, the manager could not he…
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Candidate gets offered $15K less than what he's worth, ghosts recruiter, recruiter throws tantrum: 'They lost their minds that I didn't respond to them'

Candidate gets offered $15K less than what he's worth, ghosts recruiter, recruiter throws tantrum: 'They lost their minds that I didn't respond to them'

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to all you job seekers out there to know your worth. No matter how tempting it may be to settle for less, especially in this market, don't let recruiters make you feel unreasonable for demanding a higher salary based on your experience and knowledge of your field. This candidate clearly has dealt with this kind of shady behavior from recruiters more than once, so when he discovered after three rounds of interviews that he was being offered $15K less t…
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'There is no paperwork, I'm just fired': Guy relocates to Japan for a job, only to get fired after one week

'There is no paperwork, I'm just fired': Guy relocates to Japan for a job, only to get fired after one week

Talk about a savage way to go! This Redditor was offered a job on a military base that required him to relocate to Japan. However, after just one week, he was let go with barely any explanation. He hadn't even gotten a chance to execute his central responsibilities in the position since that first week was largely about getting settled and doing minimal training. Instead, he was dismissed with next to no explanation. His boss told him there would be other jobs on the base so it's not like he wo…
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Employee quits, then overhears boss talking about ordering a petty goodbye cake for her: 'My last day will be a nightmare'

Employee quits, then overhears boss talking about ordering a petty goodbye cake for her: 'My last day will be a nightmare'

This boss clearly enjoys messing around with his soon-to-be former employees on their last days. Whatever happened to being professional and leaving things on a strong note? It sounds like this dude has yet to put two and two together and realize that his manipulative and outright cruel tactics are the main reason why one employee after another is quitting on the spot. The original poster (OP) of this thread explained that after giving their two weeks' notice, they overheard their boss telling…
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Entitled manager pushes employee to resign, backtracks on their workplace maltreatment and tries to convince her to stay, even though she has already found a better job

‘Never make that mistake again’: Employee resigns after multiple instances of workplace mistreatment, manager backtracks on prior reprimands and refuses to ‘accept’ her two-week notice

"I spilled coffee onto my clothes. Never make that mistake again. I brought brownies in. Never do that again, people could have allergies."
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Employee quits job for better opportunity, boss threatens to contact new employer and get them to take back their offer: 'There's a chance I may be stuck here'

Employee quits job for better opportunity, boss threatens to contact new employer and get them to take back their offer: 'There's a chance I may be stuck here'

Imagine reaching the end of your final two weeks at your mediocre job you can't wait to leave and learning that your boss knows your new boss. To make matters worse, not only do they know each other, but your current boss feels comfortable threatening to inform your new boss that you are the type to slack off on the job. Of course, this isn't exactly true. This employee had just been slacking off and doing the bare minimum over these last two weeks because who goes above and beyond when they're…
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'If you take off unapproved time then we'll have to let you go': Manager approves then revokes employee's PTO due to family emergency, employee stands up to manager

'If you take off unapproved time then we'll have to let you go': Manager approves then revokes employee's PTO due to family emergency, employee stands up to manager

Managing a team is just as much about protecting your employees as it is about ensuring that they are following the rules. People seem to forget this all the time, as pressure from higher-ups can sometimes promote other ideas. Then, of course, there is the power of the big ego. Never underestimate a manager's ego guiding their form of leadership and disciplinary action. When ego governs a manager's decision-making skills, that manager is far less likely to take care of the people of their team.…
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Bartender set up and unjustly fired by insecure manager, half the staff quits to retaliate

Bartender set up and unjustly fired by insecure manager, half the staff quits to retaliate

Talk about a manager who acted out of turn for no good reason. Here , we have a dude who was threatened by the fact that one of his bartenders at their pub helped bring in a ton of much-needed new staff members who were all his personal friends. Why was this problem? The manager was worried that they would all gossip behind his back and plan his demise. Sounds pretty paranoid and dramatic but that's exactly how this guy seemed to be wired. How did he act on his fears? Well, he decided the best…
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Boss steals employee's idea and fires him, employee gets back at him years later: 'I [bought] out the company he works for and [demoted] him'

Boss steals employee's idea and fires him, employee gets back at him years later: 'I [bought] out the company he works for and [demoted] him'

People say success is about hard work and determination, but they could say the exact same thing about revenge. Here, we have a former employee whose ideas were quite literally stolen from their boss at the time. After getting fired, the former employee would go on to buy the company years later and demote the former employer who wronged him. It's the kind of workplace triumph one dreams of, so one can only feel a sense of second-hand fulfillment reading about this decade-spanning revenge plot.…
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'This has to stop': Manager tells team in group chain not to discuss wages, employee claps back with receipts

'This has to stop': Manager tells team in group chain not to discuss wages, employee claps back with receipts

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to always remember your rights as workers, people! Here, we have a manager who genuinely thought they were entitled to enforce rules against speaking up among your coworkers about wages. Luckily, this team had a brave individual among them who shut down this manager's nonsense by informing them directly, and in the very public group thread, regarding their right to share said information. Based on the manager's subsequent response, they were immediate…
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'I'm normally never this petty': Employee receives mediocre performance review, responds by keeping track of everything to prove her boss wrong

'I'm normally never this petty': Employee receives mediocre performance review, responds by keeping track of everything to prove her boss wrong

Everyone gets a little anxious before their next performance review at work. Even if you know you complete your responsibilities to the best of your ability, there is a part of you that fears you may not receive the validation you deserve. Here , we have an employee who not only received a poor review, but she was also largely blamed for improper management. Essentially, her boss claimed she never completed all of her tasks, even though said tasks were never clearly written out for her to execu…
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Vindictive manager gets what's coming to them after he berates employee and doesn't back up his promises, employee finds new job offer and considers making a scene while quitting

‘So I switched my LinkedIn back on’: Employee signs remote offer right before RTO mandate is enacted, gets unicorn job offer and considers loud-quitting to spite vindictive manager

"I’ve accepted (pending paperwork) so I’ll be the second lead this company has lost in as many years due to this same person."
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Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Being a Chatty Cathy is a blessing and a curse in the workplace. On the one hand, people do tend to enjoy the humorous personality in the office as well as the person who's simply easier to talk to than most. That being said, if you're the type of person who cannot read social cues or understand when a conversation should end, your coworkers are going to avoid having to chat with you at all costs. We feel for this Chatty Cath y because it does not seem like things were entirely her fault. Other…
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Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

Lazy receptionist doesn't make boss's travel arrangements, boss denies her a job years later: 'I am constantly baffled by people who don't do their jobs'

There is a downside to not fulfilling your basic duties and responsibilities at work. This receptionist repeatedly made making travel arrangements difficult for their boss, often leaving things to the last minute when flights were either entirely booked or incredibly expensive. Despite multiple polite conversations about her needing to improve her efficiency regarding booking travel, the pattern did not improve. What's remarkably amusing about this is that when the Redditor went off to start th…
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'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

Usually, newly hired employees are given a break during their first week. The first few days are typically about getting settled in, meeting your coworkers, and adjusting to the company culture. However, here, we have a new hire who was almost immediately tasked with buying donuts for everyone at the company. Apparently, there were two annoying coworkers at the office who chose different people each week to pick on and bother incessantly until they gave in and got everyone donuts. You would thi…
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